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Health and Ecosystem

health, Nutrition, ecosystem
our nature

Ecosystem includes animal, plant, sun, air, water, land forms, geographical terrain  and atmosphere. 
What we see around us and they affect our life and health is a part of Ecosystem. The all constituents of the ecosystem is fostering themselves and fortify their needs from ecosystem itself. Healthy ecosystem ensures health safety, nutrient safety and sources for fostering each member of ecosystem. Any unbalance creates problem for its constituents. 

Nature's controlls our ecosystem. We can say, if there no other interference in it, the nature makes balance in it. However it is very slow process and that may be a cause of extinction of it’s constituents and there will be a lot of suffering for the members. If some of the constituents is exploiting the ecosystem, creating unbalance in the Ecosystem. Therefore it is the most important for its member to understand the Ecosystem and its constituents and how there corresponding related to each other. 

Here we don’t create a doubt to support Big Bag theory of birth of Earth. The believe of  GOD has send the HUMAN on the Earth” and “The GOD has created the Earth and all constituents of our Ecosystem. we have not nor been denied neither been supported here.   

We just presenting our view on our experience and study. OUR CONSTITUENTS OF ECOSYSTEM HAVE NEITHER BEEN CREATED NOR BE SENT BY THE GOD. 

Humans or other animals, plants and microorganisms have evolved in to present form. The evolution of the organism is fully depends on ecosystem balancing and has taken millions of years. 

What is evolution?

The gradual development of some thing from some thing else that came earlier in simpler form  and developed in complex form. It is the dictionary meaning of Evolution.

Developing something from simpler things to complicated form and Fostering, growing and fortifying their needs by utilization and consumption of sources available in Ecosystem may be define as evolution. Moving or trying to move, eager to know or trying to know, eager to do or trying to do are main factor of evolution. It is very important to know opposite of it may be became a cause of Devolution.

     Now we focus on Human an extraordinary animal on the earth. They can understand, learn and response very quickly. Their requirements and need is indefinite. They can change Ecosystem very fastlly in compare to most other constituents of Ecosystem. The action of Human is  directly influenced by satisfying of their needs. In their long journey of action, they harm the Ecosystem knowingly or unknowingly. We may care our action.

Therefore awareness of Ecosystem as our health well – being is the most important thing for us. We must think about Ecosystem before our any action/activities. Other wise our action will be same as we are cutting the branch on which we are sitting.


What is health?

Health is a state of being well in body and mind and free of diseases. That means filling of well by our body and mind is called health. Health of every constituents of Ecosystem is very important. How ever here we discuss only on HEALTH of Human.
The HEALTH may be classified as
  • Mental Health
  • Physical health

Definition is very easy-  "The State of being well in mind is Mental Health
And State of being well in body is Physical Health".
The mental health is more important because the state of mind very well affects the body however both are depended on each other.
The bank vitamins and minerals

Primary Mental Illness: 

  •  Anger
  •  Fear
  •  Worry/ anxiety
  •  Jealousy 
  •  Stress
  •  Extra greed
  •  Depression (state of unhappy, sadness)
These primary illness causes many other mental illness in long period of time. They are developed in chronological order and become severe. Again it creates other mental diseases.

    Some Mental disorder are as follows:

  •  Sleep disorder
  •  Think more
  •  Negative thought (thinking dark side of coin) 
  •  Sleep walking
  •  Sleep talking
  •  Shaking hands or leg while working or studding
  •  Biting nail or lips
  •  Chewing tobacco, smoking or drinking
These all develops Physical health problem. The mental state is a primary causes of most of the non communicable diseases. There are some recommendations for improving mental health and remains fit. 

            there are tips for thinking positive.

    • See the bright side of coin. 
    • There is a good in every bad. 
    •  There is day after each night. 
    •  If you know the benefits of The bitter gourd/ medicine, you may taste it sweet.
    •  Only By thinking, you will get what you think (by law of attraction) then why to think bad.
    •  Not so tough but may be achieved by practice daily 
    • Develop some hobby

  • Do some out door activities 
    •  Minimum 5 hours a week (at heart beats 100 to 120/minute
    •  It is required to evolve physically
    •  For taking more Oxygen 
    •  For excretion by your skin 
    •  For self lubrication of your bone
    •  For burning of extra calories
    •  For social interaction
    • To minimize screen time 
    •  To minimize consumption of biofuel (Electricity)
    •  To minimize the interaction with commercial influencer

  • Take balanced diet

    •  To nourished our body
    •  To give comfort to our body organs and feels good
    •  To made our food ecofriendly
  •  Sleep in plane and comfort bed
    •  Sleep well
    •  To regenerate
    •  To refresh
    •  To cool your mind
    •  If possible break in to two (1 hours in day and rest in night)
    •  Sleep without or in less light
    •  Sleep in peace

  •  Keep your self busy

  •  Minimize your anger

how to avoid our anger?

  • Distract your mind from topic causing your anger
  • Take long breath by closing your eyes
  • Withdraw your self from the environment
  • Know the situation and accept your mistake if any

  • Minimize screen (TV, Social media, movies, and others) time

Why to minimize screen time?

  • To minimize the effects of commercial influencer on you
  • To save yourselves from negative campaign of Social media and TV
  • To save your selves from crime screen on TV
  • To increase Social interaction
  • To save Electricity
  • To minimize extra consumption of calories 
  • To encrease the hours of out door activities
Some meditation, yoga, puja/namaj
 Develop some hobby and to it regularly
 Follow the time and your routine
 Take the help of counselor 

Physical health

first we have to understand the Requirement of our body:
Fresh vegetables
source of vitamins

Physical activities
Healthy mind
Minimum 5 to 6 sleep


Why physical activity is required?

Let our body to cure its self, let it rejuvenate. That can be achieved by physical activities. This is one of the factors of evolution of biosphere. Let it keeps evolve.

List of physical activities, span of time and quantity of energy burn.

Walking             (6-7 km/hr) 10-12 hrs
Jogging               (10-11Km/hr)
Cycling               (15-16 Km/hr)
Running             (18-20 Km/hr) 5-6 hrs
Working in Farm 10 -12 hrs
(digging, shoving, watering etc)  
Sports out door 7-8 hrs
Working in production 10-12 hrs

What are the Benefits of out door activities?

  • Cleaning of our body by sweating and washing
  • Increase the intake of oxygen for our well of brain 
  • Improving strength of our body to sustain
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Improving our appetite
  • Improving our sleep 
  • Enhance our mental wellness
  • Increase social interaction
  • Minimize the of interaction commercial influencer 
  • Saving of electricity – biofuel -ecosystem 


Healthy diet is balance diet.

What is balance diet?

 The diet (food we are consuming) which is average requirement of our body. How ever the our activities keeps changing and the requirement of food will change. Therefore there will be separate requirement for different people like children require separate combination of foods from a working man.
The basic constituents and their function in our healthy are as follows. This is in order of quantity required.

1. Water - helps to transport nutrients, maintaining temperature and excretion (cleaning)
2. Carbohydrates – gives energy to work and play
3. Protein - helps to grow and repair of breakage
4. Vitamins - save from diseases  
5. Fats - gives energy and save our skin 
6. Minerals - gives strength and repair our organs
 My teachers always say knowledge is POWER. “knowledge is key to solve our problem and find a way of our well – being”. Therefore We must know the foods which supply power, strength and saves from diseases. We must know the requirement of nutrients for our body for nourishment. We should be aware of the source of the same and how to make a little change around you to mitigate the source.


List of food materials and their nutrition.

SL NO NUTRIENTS                 FUNCTIONS                                     MAIN SOURCES
1 Water -helps to transport nutrients, maintaining
                     temperature and excretion (cleaning)                 Drinking water

2 Carbohydrate- gives energy to work and play     All grains and cereals, sugar and                                                                                                         and sweet fruits

3 Protein -  helps to grow and repair of breakage Milk, pulses, soybean, eggs, fish, flesh

4 Vitamins save from diseases                              Green leaves and vegetables, fruits

5 Fats gives energy and save our skin         OIL, GEE, FISH AND FLESH

6 Minerals gives strength and repair our organs    Grains, fruits, meat, green leaves and                                                                                                  vegetables, milk and eggs.

Prepare your own Diet plan by some brain storming here


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