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 poem No. 1 for more

HEY GOD “where are you”

🕉  ☪️  ✝️

Hey god where are you

Are you only one or more

You’r Ram, Christ, Allah, Guru or many more?

Hey god clear it!

There lots of quarrels for your name,

Your rule, method to make you happy

Hey god make a oracle

Do the good thing spite of pray

Teach them what not to do

Your existence is grey!

Hey god where are you

Are you in temple, in church

In Gurudwara, in mosque or in an idol

If we’re you there?

People lie and cheat,

Why your people drink, smoke, rape even they kill others at your place

What are you doing God?

Some say you are watching all, 

Only you are doing all

You are justifying to all

In your eye equally all

Only You allow to die and born to all

All dieing reborn!

Here One kills many,

One Make slaves

One exploits for he needs tiny

One rapes, exploits and kills 

One snatches and others hunger

Is it justified 

Its game of majority

Its game of power

Only sword decides the justification

Hey what are you doing? 

Your existence is suspicious!

Hey God, you are in epics

You are in ethics

You are in preach of clerics

You are at all places

Where something has been happen 

You are in all pray

Where is desire of getting 

Hey God!

 Have you prophets,

Have you agents

Have any media to contact you?

Hey god all are grey

Hey god your agents, never do any work

They lives on others 

They mislead for own profits

Is this justified? 

Hey God! If you were!

Do some miracle

Save poor from exploitation 

Save weaker cruelty 

Save women from atrocities 

Make a beggar able to do!

Hey God! Do something for your existence!

If you were!


poem No. 2 for more

THE WAR 🗡     
Good poems,  all types of poems, all poems, the power of poem, God poem, War, Fire, light, Fire poem, War poem, English poem, children's poem

War is important and inevitable 

Non violence taught by

 Lord Buddha and Gandhi

Save an smallest living teaches Lord Mahabir

But war starts since birth of earth

War is natural and immortal history says

War is our duty lord Krishna says

War is symbol of strength 

War is result of diversities and illusions of superiority 

War is inevitable but postponed

War ends old boundaries 

It kills proud and end illusions of strength 

War destroys our creations and makes

Children and women to cry

War makes the mother’s eye dry

The Fights not known by many, why?

It let die the livings by hunger and disease

Destroys a reign, a kingdom 

Lays a foundation of a monument, 

It pains to people and bleeds to biosphere 

War devastates a culture, a nation and a invention 

War is important and inevitable 

War brings new glory

It Bears new culture, new invention 

It forms new boundaries , new nation and new kingdom 

It's one of oldest profession 

Gives employments 

War makes people to work hard

War makes new way

It makes people stronger to bear

War equalise the diversities and mixed cultures 

It brooms soul and ends the dirt of mind

No one wins 

Only defeat, defeat and defeat 

An earlier defeat avoid war and saves relations, save creations


poem No. 3 for more

FIRE   🔥

Good poems,  all types of poems, all poems, the power of poem, God poem, War, Fire, light, Fire poem, War poem, English poem, children's poem

The first invention 

Shown the way

Cleared the forest

Chase the animals

Change an animal to farmer

Fire cooks food and

The son light cooks mind

Where there darkness is ghost

Where there ignorance  is bad soul

Where there Light comes

The ghost ran away far 

Light is symbol of knowledge

Chase the fear of fate and ghost  

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गम्य

अस्तो मा सद्गमय

It’s said

Changes the living

Fire gave power to reign on globe

Change the shape of war

From fist and sticks to sword

From sword to Fire arms 

The dark side

Fire is good slave when in control 

Fire is bad master when out of control 

It’s said

The fire is a magic

 a miracle a gift of God 

It lightened 

To make the God happy 

To chase bad souls and to clean 

and to cheer


for more poem

peom 4

Wake up its too late

🐓       🏡

Wake up wake up

Its too late 

The birds are chirping 

Out side of window 

The caterpillars are  wandering all around the garden,

Chickens are eating beets that spread all over ground ,

The squirrels are finding nuts to eat,

The children are laughing and giggling

On some jokes.

The girls are sitting on the swings. 

And the boys playing football match, 

Some girls playing badminton in the court,

Uncles are going in car, bike, scoot for there jobs.

Now wake up my son, 

The sun is already came out and shinnying.

Wake up wake up its too late!!!!!....


for more poem

Dancing flower

F💐  are dancing

Every where in in the garden,

Spreading their smells there.

Dance ,dance , dance

Happy happy, happy

Come , come, come

Come and dance happily

Calling butterfly, calling me

Murmuring with honey bee

The sky , the sun watching the beauty

The air, the child Praising the flower pretty

The cloud, the wind and the tree

All happy on butterfly flee

By prerna

Best Poem:

my papa

papa An image

hard work and manage

papa a giver

chocolate, ice cream, toys

nothing for receiver

an sports man, a mathematician in my eye

a writer, a hero, an scholar by shy

Papa is a love, Papa  is a life

He is the great in the life,

He teach us to manage our life.

How to pass over the hard problem in our life

Papa is a hard, papa is kind

Papa is a teacher, papa is fine

Finally I said ,

Papa is the life of her daughter.




SHE bring me on the earth ,

She teach me to wash, to brush and to breath,

She teach me how to eat

And be fit

Thank you god for giving me

The best mother

There no comparision to an other

Mother , mother, mother



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