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Ghost and The God, Poem on Ghost
Ghost in dark 


Multiple gods in Arab, Europe and Asia

Worshiped to save and to gain

Worshiped in fear of natural calamity and war

The nature, the supper power

The gods named on Nature

The God the suppernatural power

God of ancient Egypt

Osiris son of Geb the Earth god and Nut Sky goddess

Horus the god of war married to Goddess Hathor

Thoth the god of Moon

Anubis the God of funerary in head of Jackal

The Gods of Ancient Europe

Athena in helmet guardian of Athens

Goddess of knowledge and war victory

Aphrodite the Venus by Roman

The goddess of love and beauty

Apollo and sons Zeus

The God of music and arts

Hera, daughter of Titans Cronus and Rhea

The Gods of pre Islamic Arab 

Syrian god of moon the Hubal

Athtar associated with Venus

Responsible for thunderstorms and rain

Almaqah with bull head god of irrigation

Arsu and Azizos the evening and morning star

Ashar, Asira, Amm, Ammi`Anas and thousands more

The Gods of ancient India

God Pashupati and Mother goddess Shakti,

The king of heaven Indra 

the God of rain and thunderstorms, 

Agni, Surya, Vayu (air), and Prithvi (Earth

Varuna the god of sky, water and ocean 

Aditi the goddess of sky

Goddess of dawn and breath the Usha

The Kala, Yama the god of death and justice

Gods for ancient China

Jade Emperor the ruler of heaven

Guanyin the goddess of mercy and compassion

Protector of sailer and fisherman 

Moon goddess the Chang`e

Above the stove of every home

The god of kitchen the Zao- Shen

The supreme god of law, order and Justice

The God Shangti

Gods being changed with hours

Yet signify the same

A scepticism, superstition and supernatural

Teaches ethics and impels for ethical motive

Gods being portrayed by religions

organisation associated with politics,

Don`nt go on Name feel the essence

Ghost or devil in English,

Shabah in Arabic

Akh in Egypt, Hun in Chinies

Shaya in Urdu or Pakistan

Bhut, Churail and Pishach in India

Hazy image haunted in darkness

in deserted Haveli, in ancient castle,

Matted hair, long teeth and nail

wrinkled face, fierce animal head

Portered in folk tell, pictured in movies

New name and image introduce by writers

Furnished disembodied soul, Ruh, Atma

Died by sin or before life period

May punish wrong doer

May bliss ethical doer

A supernatural power and can do ill or well

God a supernatural power only for well

Ghost the supernatural power run away far

When light reaches

Stay far in Darkness again 

Wise lits again the place 

Ghost runs to other dark

Ghost lives in dark, Devil lives in dark

Torch, light, poem Ghost and Dark
Torch, the symbol of knowledge 

Darkness appear for Ignorance

Dearth of knowledge spread darkness

The root cause of ghost

The Ghost exists there

Ignorance exists where

Cognition the Mashal, and the torch

The Shuela, the Fax and the Ignis 

The Fire, the Huoju, and Taimatsu

Knowledge appears for Light

Ignites the brain and opens new door

Upraise livings and society 

It chase the Ghost, the fear 

It saves from shams



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