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Who are student?

All most all persons who are will to learn are student. Either they are working or they are schooling, they have to upskill continuously. The technology, our work and trends are keep on changing. The old becomes absolute and the new is to be accepted, to be learned. Each one of us to be updated with hours so we all have to become student. Otherwise we will become absolute.

What are the skill?

The method, formulae or ability to do something well is called skill. Specially it can be gained by practice, training and knowledge. It is very much related with employability. Skills are the ornaments that enable a person to do a job or work in better way and time efficiently and enhance our opportunity to increase our Income. It increase our respect in our society.
Skill India, Make in India, Koushal Bharat, How to enhance our skill, Mobile and students, Mobile use precaution for students. skill your selve

Here a wrong concept about our schooling and we are using wrong word the "Study". Practically we learns new skills in our schools. And the same was followed in primary however it weakens latter in middle and Secondary. And we follow the mugging up of piles of Information and data. We did not get the curriculum, resources and teachers to enhance our skill. Only a few of us get the chance to get admission in Technical, Management or Medicine Colleges to learn new skills. Then What to do???
The second miss concepts that Only the Traditional Institutes and schools are the place where we can learn new skills. Most of us may listen the name of busyness tycoons, Technicians, Artist, and Managers who have never gone any University or Institutes. How they have achieved this. They learned by practice and following of others way of doing.
Thanks to Science and Technology for traveling of fast data Globelly and the world has become a Cyber Village. We have got a Magic Wand  in our hand that will full fill our desire.  Today the information became global. Learning has become cost effective and the is no bar where are we. We can start and learn from any places and practice in our local. First we have to decide what we have to learn.

A Guide to Learning New Skills

Learning new skills is an essential and enriching aspect of personal and professional development. Whether you aim to acquire a new language, master a musical instrument, or become proficient in a new technology, the process of skill acquisition is a journey that requires dedication, patience, and effective strategies. In this essay, we will explore the fundamental principles and practical steps for learning new skills.

Setting Clear Goals
The first step in learning a new skill is to set clear and specific goals. Define what you want to achieve and why it is important to you. Having a clear purpose provides motivation and direction for your learning journey.

Break It Down
Complex skills can be daunting, so it's essential to break them down into smaller, manageable components. By dividing the skill into smaller tasks or sub-skills, you can focus on mastering each step before progressing to the next.

Gather Resources
To learn a new skill, gather the necessary resources. These may include books, online courses, mentors, or tools and equipment. Having the right resources at your disposal can significantly aid your learning process.

Consistent Practice
Practice is the cornerstone of skill acquisition. Consistency is key. Allocate regular time for practice and adhere to a schedule. The more you practice, the quicker you'll see progress.

Seek Feedback
Feedback is crucial for improvement. Whether from a teacher, mentor, or peers, constructive feedback helps you identify areas for improvement and refine your technique.

Embrace Mistakes
Mistakes are part of the learning process. Instead of being discouraged by them, view mistakes as opportunities for growth. Analyze what went wrong and use it as a guide for improvement.

Patience and Perseverance
Learning new skills can be challenging and time-consuming. It's essential to remain patient and not get discouraged when progress seems slow. Perseverance is often the key to success.

Be open to adapting your approach. If a particular method or strategy is not working, don't be afraid to try something different. Flexibility is a valuable skill in itself.

Stay Informed
Stay informed about the latest developments and trends in the skill you are learning. The world is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date can help you stay relevant and proficient.

Teach Others
Teaching others what you've learned is an effective way to solidify your own understanding. It also allows you to give back to the community and help others on their learning journey.

Celebrate Milestones
Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing your progress and achievements can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

Set New Challenges
Once you've mastered a skill, consider setting new challenges to continue your growth. Learning is a lifelong journey, and there are always new skills to acquire new skills. Remember, every skill learned is an investment in your personal growth and future success.

Skill India, Make in India, Koushal Bharat, How to enhance our skill, Mobile and students, Mobile use precaution for students. skill your selve

What are Hurdles of learning new Skills?

Why we are tallking bout hurdles? The undermentioned points may come in your mind and you may discontinue your learning. So be positive and persistant towards your goal.  

Feudal System (Samanti Vyavastha) : The thought of Feudal system is in Most of Indian`s minds still after a long period of Independence. The Worker and Artisans the Engineers of ancient era were graded as low category in society in India, still this persisted in India specially in villages. This is the main reason of backwardness in science and technology in India. Still many youth feel shame to learn skill and works. It is much needed to make the youth to feel proud learning skills and doing productive work. The skill is his Rob, Ornament/ Jewellery and and the weapon to fight unemployments. The Skilled citizens are most prestigious person and assets of our country and opposite Unskilled citizens are burden and shame for themselves and our country. So Become Mr./Mrs. skilled citizen.  

Language Barrier:  we are most diversified Lingually we have to learned the skills of reading and comprehension of required languages. The poor country are lagging in Science and Technology. The youth of the country must learn the language of rich countries which develops the most of technology. Unfortunately we are hesitating to learn the language by many reasons. Any of us can understand that the language is much more required to learn the skills of the technology quickly. I am neither advocating to quit your Native language nor to learn a particular language. I am also the same patriotic and nationalist as the other citizens are. However truely speaking Basic English is much required to learn for our youths. It will help all students to operate our Palm Magic Wand, the Mobiles as well as to understand the Technology developed in USA and Europe. If your nationality and patriotism are heartened then learn it and  translate it in your National Language for others as Japanies did. 

Lack of Awareness about our gadget:

Myth among parents about Mobile/ Computers

Ignorance about importance of SKILLS

Lack Trained instructors/ teachers to tech new skill:  This is the main reason for failure of all Government`s plans of up skilling.

Lack of advertisement and quality of Government Institution involved in up skilling:    

Lack of connection between employer Institution and training Institutions:

How can help our Gadget to Learn new skills?

Our Mobile, Laptop and Personal Computer are gadgets which provide Information at very low cost. They connects multiple computers, servers and live classes as known to all. Still all students are not able to utilise their miracle Palm gadgets for improving skills.
Now a days the millions of Instructors are teaching new subjects and skills on  YOUTUB university at very cheap or low cost. Youths are busy in making or watching Reels, Shots or Tik- Tok videos that the most stupid devils for youths. The most Serials plays on Television are posion for women who are watching these. They can learn new skills and become productive for our country and them selves.
Indian Government has initiated many plans for upgrading skills of citizens but still they are not working effectively. The reasons are lot however we focus of solution.  

The History of our Magic Wand The Mobile Phone:

        The story starts with sending a message to a remote place by help of savage Narad, a messenger or parrot. It traveled in letters by Post Offices and finally delivered by our Postman in seven to eight days. The imagination of sending messages by chanting hymns in the air and sending the message to God or to a person at remote distance. Thanks to science and Technology which brings our imagination true. The things which we had imagined is in our hand and become the parts of our life.
Transforming electric current in to Electromagnetic Wave and it modulation and de-modilution bring miracle in our life. Storing of digital data and transferring it in cost effective method made us to change fast.

Earlier people went to a wise person for getting information or taking help to solve their problem. students goes miles or lives in Ashram to get knowledge. Professionals like lawyer, Docters, architectures, astrologers etc  keep piles of books for referring still they may not be updated. Just imaging it is year 1950, there are a Temple or Ber tree or Choupal where information passed and it traveled by mouth to mouth.  
Imagine you are in 1975, How you will get a electric connection?
First you will ask a person who have already electric connection or you will visit state Electric board Office for asking Procedure to ge electric connection.
Second you collect all documents which is required and get a xerox of these, you fill a application and will go to Board office to submit. 
Third procedure will starts at Board office, to know every change of status you will go to office.

By reading this you may get bored. How tiresome it was and why to read this, Now the situation has been totally changed. Yes, you are hundred percent right.

You have got a "Alladin's Chirag" in your hand. As You ordered it, soon It presents the all possible options to choose with as your hukm my Aakka. Even you can customise the results or you may get the most suitable result. You may ask any question, there is an answer for each of your question. Now each and every world's information and knowledge which are shared are now available for you.

Now question arises, can any one requires each and every information? Absolutely no! For example, If a Chef mixes all spices and vegetables in a dish How it tastes? Ohoo.....! Take a Second example, if a man visits a very big shopping mall and does not know what to purchase or has not made a list of required items. What will happen....? He will waste much his precious time, He may purchase the items which is not required, He may leave the items those are in need.

Your Tab, Laptop and Computer, Mobile Phones: Versatile Tools  are the "Aladdin's Chirag" which is full of Commercial influencer, Commercial products, Frauders and destructive and distractionable information along with good one. One has to plan and make a list of thing to know before surfing or working on our gadgets. Otherwise one may wander for long time in gadget and  may not get the things that he wants.

How students can use their Mobile/Gadgets for enhancing their Skills?

Precaution for students while using mobile.

Students are the person who is churning many thing to acquire skills. Since he hold the chalk in his first day of school he made to learn new skills. Skill of reading, writing and calculating and comprehending. The skill analysis, skill of determining of suitable result and skill of decision making. He develops a habit of finding information from inside of every thing and they loss their path and get delayed to achieve what they want.  Only the teacher/guardian/motivators who may guide them, makes plan and fixed the time and thing to do with their gadget at initial stage. 
It is very confusing question and there is not the same answer for each students. However planning and timing may help them to achieve required result from their gadgets.

  • First and Foremost Fix your Aim or Goal/ skills to Learn
  • Search all required information Where I get best result
  •  Minimise the number of gadgets
  • Keep your gadgets in silent/ vibrate mode while study
  • Change the setting of your gadgets to "safesearch" 
  • Mind the time while working on your Mobile.
  • Always keep the purpose or the Target/ Aim in mind
  • learn to differentiate the advertisements and your required information
  • Use Paid classes if pocket allows it saves your time and you will get planned and structured course of study.
  • Make your gadgets a tools to enhance your skills. Skills increase your productivities and resultant your employability and payment will increase.
  • Know Government initiative for up skilling and out schooling like courses on SWAYAM, NPTL, NIOS, IGNU.
  • You tube University and Telegram may help you lot. 

The benefits of mobile phones are as follows.

  • Communication: They allow us to make calls, send texts, and use various messaging apps to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Internet Access: Mobile phones provide access to the internet, enabling us to browse websites, check emails, and access online information from almost anywhere.
  • Navigation: Mobile phones have GPS capabilities, making it easier to find directions and navigate unfamiliar places.
  • Information: They provide quick access to a wealth of information through search engines and apps, helping with research, news updates, and more.
  • Productivity: Mobile phones support productivity through apps like calendars, task managers, and note-taking tools.
  • Entertainment: You can watch videos, play games, listen to music, and read e-books on your mobile device.
  • Photography and Video: Mobile phones come with cameras for capturing photos and recording videos, making it easy to document moments.
  • Social Media: They facilitate social networking, allowing us to connect with people and share experiences.
  • Emergency Services: Mobile phones enable quick access to emergency services, making them crucial for safety.
  • Remote Work: They are essential for remote work, with access to emails, video conferences, and collaboration tools.
  • Banking and Payments: Mobile phones support mobile banking and payment apps, making transactions more convenient.
  • Health and Fitness: They can track health data, provide access to fitness apps, and support a healthier lifestyle.
  • Customization: Mobile phones can be customized with various apps and settings to suit individual preferences and needs.

Government Institutes and website/Apps for enhancing skills.

Government initatives that help you to enhance your skills. There are several Indian government and institute websites that offer free education and resources. Some notable ones include:

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL): This is a joint initiative by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) that provides free online courses on a wide range of subjects.

SWAYAM: SWAYAM is an initiative by the Indian government to offer free online courses, study materials and video classes from various institutions and universities. If You are working then you can enhance your qualification and skills to encrease your payment. It provides quite small courses of 3 to 4 credits in 8 weeks to 12 weeks. You can get a Certificate on completion of course and passing the examination taken by NTA (National Testing Agency). The examinations are scheduled in Dec of every year. The credits may be deposited and later on it may be added to get a degree.

National Digital Library (NDL): NDL is a digital repository of learning resources, including books, articles, theses, and educational content from various sources in India.

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC): NSDC provides free skill development courses and resources to enhance employability.

IGNOU eGyanKosh: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers free access to study materials, e-books, and resources through eGyanKosh.
You Tube a platform where many trained person teaching new skill either free or on a very nominal fee. university

There are many skill apps are available on play store that can help you to learn new skills.
YouTube: YouTube is very important application where there are a great chance to learn new skill free.

These platforms offer a wide range of educational content and courses for learners across India and are excellent resources for free education.   

Know your values:


There is a old man and his son, Kushal  lived in a small town.  One day during his bad days he gave an old watch gifted by his grandfather to his son Kushal and told him to go on a jewelery shop to ask the price of the watch to sell. The jeweler refused to purchase the watch. He went to a junk Shop and asked the price of the watch, the Shopkeeper priced very less as Rs- 5. Kushal return to his father and said the story. The old man send him to Museum for selling the watch.
Kushal went to museum and asked the price of the watch, the managers investigates the watch and say the price Rs- 30 lacks. He was surprised and sold the watch. What is lesson in this story?
Every one donot know your value.
Do not waste your time and energy behind the person who doesn`t know your value.
Every one is special at a place.

Learning new skills is a lifelong endeavor that offers personal and professional enrichment. By setting clear goals, breaking down the skill, practicing consistently, seeking feedback, and embracing adaptability, you can embark on a successful learning journey. Patience, perseverance, and a willingness to adapt are the keys to unlocking your potential in acquiring 


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