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31st NCSC Project Report



SUB THEME:         Fostering health, nutrition and well being

TITLE OF THE PROJEC: Nutritive value of local/seasonal fruits/vegetable

National Children Science Congress project Report


This is to certify that the content of this Project entitled “Nutritive Value of Local/Seasonal Food/Vegetable” under the focal theme of NCSC- 2023 “Understanding Ecosystem for Health and well-being” and sub theme “Fostering Health, Nutrition and well-being” made by Prerna and Kabita of Class 8 under supervision of Mrs. Charu Mehta.




Ecosystem and our health is very much related to each other. As biosphere has evolved on the earth and we are the part of it and of the ecosystem. We must know Ecosystem as Our health is totally depends on ecosystem and our life style. We can foster our selves and fortify our needs with the sources available in ecosystem only. It has been observed that there is lack of awareness in people about resources available and their nutrient value. They are depend on social media, advertisement and digital environment around them. They try to find the solution of their health problem in advertisement.

It is required to focus to understand the involution process of human/organisms. The nutrients which is nourishing and their quantity of requirement. We should identify the fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses meat, milk and nuts available in various location basis. These are the sources the nutrients. We should find the nutrient value in each of them and make the people aware of it. 

Seasonal and local food is cheap in price and fresh and may be easily  available to the people. This will foster us and make our health well. The chemical available in packaged food and the danger to our health may be spread among people so that dependency on home made food cooked by fresh and seasonal products.


1. Our present study is aimed to evaluate the life style of people and situation of their present mental and physical health.

2. We will also evaluate the available resources of food and their nutritional value in local and each season.

3. We will make a table of fruits and vegetable produced in various location and different season.

4. We will also design the diet chart as per different working people as per their requirement.

5. The same will be spread among people so they can choose as per their required nutritional value. 



Proper diet at proper time and physical activities will nourished the people and make them healthy. Knowledge about seasonal products in their locality and it’s nutrient value and roper utilization of digital media is required for mental and physical well being. However, we observed by our survey different people are having different problems, some are: 


And some are facing obesity.

Some are malnourished as well as obesity.

Some people obsessed to over utilized television screen and social media causes less out door activities and gives mental stress and agony.

So it is needed to spread the local fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts and their nutritional value which is require foster our selves. We will develop a planned diet, out door activity. 


A community of living and non living things like plants, animals, organisms, sun, water, air, land forms and climate are interact with each other is known as an ecosystem. The unbalance of any of these affect others. Therefore, everyone should generate awareness about their activities and consumption so there should not be any damage to ecosystem. 

We should inculcate a habit of food which is locally available and in the same season in which it is produce. We may make a change in our life style so that it may help for our well being as well as the ecosystem.

Our ancient scripts, culture, and Ayurveda suggests our food, our life styles, meditation and herbal medication that nourishing us and never harm our ecosystem. Vedas and other Indian granthas insisted to respect the nature and save the nature like plants, animal, air, water, sun. 

We make a survey to know the present situation of health of people. We did in our school and by walking door to door in local by asking answer of listed questions. For other parts of country we did the Google survey with same questions and 50 person were participated on it. and also conducted telephonic interviews in different villages around our country. We analyzed the physical survey data and study the Google analytical data of our survey. 

We searched on internet and studied. We meet a dietician in our local Mr.     ….. . We discussed with our science teacher in school. We prepared a list of the nutrients which is required for our nourishment and good health. We divided our country in three geographical area North, North -East and South India. We prepared a list of fruits and vegetables produced in these area in three Seasons, Winter, Summer and Rainy. We studied on internet and searched the nutritional value of these fruits and vegetables. We made a table of the same.  


Participate in survey please!

On survey data and study of searched data on internet We reached on conclusion that 

80 % people do not know the nutritional value of seasonal fruits and vegetable of their locality.

68 % people have sufficient money to buy a proper and healthy food, they are still suffering from malnourishment and suffering obesity.

60 % use packaged food and outing for their meal

40 % people sparing their time more than 3 hours on TV, Social media and don’t get time for out door activities. and stress and anger have been seen more in them.

40 % people do workout, 

80 % people Don’t know the nutritional value of seasonal fruits in their region 

During our study, we found out mainly

It has been observed that those people who doesn’t include the local/seasonal fruits/vegetables in their food and uses packaged food in snacks and often people went outside to have a meal and they are malnourished. 

We found that people don’t know the nutritional value of their local/seasonal fruits/vegetables prefer to follow commercial influencer.

Find survey report here!


From our study we reached on the conclusion that if people would make aware the importance of seasonal fruits in their locality. People should know the list of crops, vegetables and fruits that can be produced in their area. They should be trained for growing process of the fruits and vegetables which are suitable to grow in a particular season. Then people may grow, sell, consume and nourished themselves.

Chart of nutrition may placed in Hotels, Cafeterias, vegetables/Fruit shops and public places. This spread the knowledge about what we need. The lists of vegetable and fruits with their nutritional value may be placed on the same places. Now people can demand the fruits and vegetables which are fostering our health. This will create demands fruits and vegetables and same will be produced in the same locality. It will be better for out health well -being as well as for Ecosystem.

The list of seasonal fruits of each geographical area may be placed in Panchayat Bhawan and other public places along with two other list 

One the list of Nutrition elements we required

Two the list of vegetables and fruits along with their nutritional value

These will Create awareness among the people regarding the nutrition in food and the locality and season in which it can be grown. 

Nation Children Science Congress

Diet Plan


Through our work we came to know many key aspects of benefits of seasonal and local fruits and vegetables and why it so important for our modern villages and cities. We also came to know about several diseases and problems regarding improper diet and lack of knowledge of importance of seasonal fruits and vegetables.     



  • We will make poster of nutrition element which is required to nourished us and placed in our schools and other places in our locality.
  • We will make the chart of fruits and vegetables along with their nutritional value and place in our school and other places in our locality.
  • We will aware our friends about balanced diet and importance of fruits and vegetables. We will discuss in our class during leisure period about the benefits of seasonal fruits like
    • It is fresh and packed with more nutritional value
    • It is cheap in price and save our money
    • It will help our farmers and save our Ecosystem
  • We will also discuss with our parents and other relatives when we will go in our village.
  • We will request our teacher to include the balanced diet, nutritional value of fruits and vegetables in MDP (Multiple Disciplinary Project) in our school. 
  • In future we can create a digital nutritional data-base and create mobile app that can track the values of fruits /vegetables that we are consuming by scanning through mobile camera.
  • We will request the government to give farmers subsidy on growing fruits and vegetables.
  • We will trained and encouraged  local farmers to grow Fruits and vegetables in community land.
  • We will also include some local fruits and vegetables in mid-day meals so that children should get good amount of nutritional.


We would like to express my special thanks to gratitude to my guide teacher( Mrs. Charu Mehta ) as well as our principal sir (………..) who gave us the opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic. We would also like express our gratitude to our science teachers Mr. Soham bandyapadhyay, Mrs. pinky, for their valuable guidance and support. We would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped us a lot with our project.



Class VIII 



Biology book of class 12, 9


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