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 Planning of our Diet

Health and nutrients, Mental and Physical health
Meals plan ing

Breakfast diet  chart:-

i. Chapatti plain 04 + Rayata 1cup + Green veg 150g (600 cal)

ii. Paratha 03 + seasonal G Veg + curd 1cup (650 cal)

iii. Cheela 02 + Raita 1cup + Egg 02 (550cal)

There are much confusion what to eat and what not eat become healthy and remain fit. There are so many diet plan and suggestion available on the internet. Here are some brain storming to plan your diet for yourselves. Still we have  provide some simple diet plane which suits you.

Requirement of nutrition for various types of persons is different. Like children, pregnant and lactate ladies require more % of Protien however vigorous working people require more % of Carbohydrate in their food. If you are health conscious Here are a chart that provide suitable information base on (ICMR research 2021-22) that helps you to chalk out your food ingredients. 

You may visit the Government site  here we get lots of video and data that may help you. 

Chart of nutrient quantities for various person. 

PEOPLE                         CARB (K CAL)             PROTIEN g

Children                 1500                                 23

Adolescence          2200                                 40

Students                 3300                                 55

Working people (RW) 2600                                 54

Working people (sitting) 2400                         42

Women Pregnant 2500                             55-65

Women (BF)             2100                             60            

Elderly people         2000                              55

Whether you are a calories and nutrition counter. If you are clean eater here it is for you the most Fruits , Vegetables, pulses and Grains/cereals and their nutritional value. The data available here is based on study of Tamilnadu Agri Department research report and other research.   You can count nutrients in Fruit, Vegetables and other  grains available around you.  This may help to decide what to eat and how much If you remains vigil. 

What is Calorie? 

Calorie is Thermal Unit of energy that can raise the temperature 1 Celsius of one gram  of water. Here we concern with food It is a  measurement of the amount of energy contained in a quantity of a certain kind of food.

In simple the calories (Carbohydrate) available in foods gives us energy to walk, run, work or even to live. The calorific value of food is measured by burning 100 g of food in oxygen surrounded by certain quantity of water.

 When we work, swim, play or even sleep we burn the energy that is available in our food in form of Carbohydrates. Generally we say it Calorie. 

It is very important to know that how much calories we burn while we do various activities so that we can decide our food intake that provide calories. Here we provide the data of a health institution of USA. The burning of calories is depending of The Weight, Height, Age, Metabolism and the nature of activities.

Calories burn during our activities of various weight categories.

ACTIVITES/ EXCERCISE 1Hr         60KG     70KG     80KG     90 KG

Cycling, 16-19 Km/h, light                     354     422        490             558

Cycling, 20-22Km/h, moderate             472       563         654              745

Cycling, 22-24 Km/h, vigorous             590         704         817             931

Weight lifting, body building, vigorous 354         422         490                558

Weight lifting, light workout                 177            211     245         279

Health club exercise                                 325            387     449         512

Weight lifting, body building, vigorous 354             422     490         558

Weight lifting, light workout                 177             211       245         279

Health club exercise                                 325             387         449         512

Running, 8 Km/h                             472             563         654         745

Running, 9.5Km/h                             590             704         817         931

Running, 11Km/h                             679             809         940         1070

Running, 13kM/h                         826                    985         1144 1303

Running, 16Km/h                           944            1126         1308 1489

Running, cross country                 531                     633         735            838

Running, general                                 472                     563         654             745

Track and field (hurdles)                 590                     704         817             931

Archery                                                207                     246         286             326

Badminton                                       266                             317 368              419

Basketball game, competitive         472                     563         654             745

Playing basketball, non game         354                     422         490             558

Billiards                                                 148                     176         204             233

Bowling                                                 177                     211         245             279

Boxing, in ring                                 708                     844        981             1117

Boxing, punching bag                 354                     422         490             558

Boxing, sparring                                 531                     633         735             838

Coaching: football, basketball, soccer… 236             281          327             372

Cricket (batting, bowling)                   295             352         409             465

Playing tennis 413 493 572 651

Tennis, doubles 354 422 490 558

Tennis, singles 472 563 654 745

Volleyball, competitive 472 563 654 745

Playing volleyball 177 211 245 279

Football, competitive 531 633 735 838

Carrying heavy loads 472 563 654 745

General cleaning 207 246 286 326

Cleaning, dusting 148 176 204 233

Physical training class 236 281 327 372

Golf, general 266 317 368 419

Gymnastics 236 281 327 372

Handball 708 844 981 1117

Handball, team 472 563 654 745

Hockey, field hockey 472 563 654 745

Hockey, ice hockey 472 563 654 745

Riding a horse, general 236 281 327 372

Martial arts, judo, karate, jujitsu 590 704 817 931

Juggling 236 281 327 372

Polo 472 563 654 745

Jumping rope, fast 708 844 981 1117

Jumping rope, moderate 590 704 817 931

Jumping rope, slow 472 563 654 745

Marching, rapidly, military 384 457 531 605

Pushing stroller or walking with children 148 176 204 233

Rock climbing, mountain climbing 472 563 654 745

Walking the dog 177 211 245 279

Walking, under 3.0 Km/h, very slow 118 141 163 186

Walking 4Km/h 177 211 245 279

Walking 5.0Km/h, moderate 195 232 270 307

Walking 5.6 Km/h, brisk pace 224 267 311 354

Walking 6Kmph, very brisk 295 352 409 465

Sailing, competition 295 352 409 465

General housework 207 246 286 326

Painting 266 317 368 419

Sit, playing with animals 148 176 204 233

Walk / run, playing with animals 236 281 327 372

Bathing dog 207 246 286 326

Mowing lawn, riding mower 148 176 204 233

Gardening, general 236 281 327 372

Watering lawn or garden 89 106 123 140

Weeding, cultivating garden 266 317 368 419

Carpentry, general 207 246 286 326

General housework 207 246 286 326

Painting 266 317 368 419

Generally a normal Man should consume 2500 Kcal and a woman 2000 kcal according NHS. Even some are consuming more than stander and some are consuming less than the stander it also depends on rate of metabolism. Still you are consuming more than you burns, you will suffer from overweight. And opposite consuming less causes underweight. There is a saying “Consuming is very Interesting and easy but Burning it is painful and very tiresome”. We  must care our  mental  health with  our diet .

What is metabolism?

The chemical reaction in our body’s cells that change food into energy is called Metabolism in simple. 

The energy is required  for doing every thing even from growing  to thinking. A certain kinds of protien is responsible for the chemical reaction in our cells.

First mind your activities and approx time of the same, calculate approx quantity of calories burned by you in 24 hours by the help of the chart. Now you can decide the foods available in your locality by seeing  the  calories in available foods.

However reaching calorie aims may seem a little tough, we have tried to make it a little easier for you by providing the Indian food items with calorie chart. Just know the calories available in your dishes  while you look out to develop a healthy lifestyle with a clean eating habit.

Foods 100g                             Serving size                 Calories

Chapatti                                  2                                      200

Chapatti 2 with ghee 2spoon ghee 2                             300

Puries 4                                               4                             300

Rice 1 plate                                     100g                                120

Dosa plane 1                                      100g                                 120

Dosa masala 1                             1                                           250

Idly 2                                             2                                             200

Allu Bada smal                             2                                         250

Samosa small                         2                                 260

Pakoda 1 plate                             100g                         250

Pulses 1 bowl                         100                             100

Sambar 1 bowl                         100g                     100

Amlet 2 eggs                                 100g                 300

Sand witch 1                                100g             304

Curd 1 cup                                  100g                      100

Milks 1 cup                                     100g                     60

Tea 1 cup                                 100ml                 45

Cold drink 100ml                 100ml                             90

Chhachh 100ml                         100ml                             40

Aloo Paratha small                 1                                         170

Litti                                         2                             116

Chole 1 bowl                     100g                                             223

Paneer 100g                                     100g                     296

Fish 1 piece big                 100g                                 217

Chicken 2 piece             100g             110

Bread                                 100g             100

Parantha                     1                             150

Pav                                     1                     180

Naan 1 262

Butter Naan 1 310

Tender coconut 1 cup 15

Soup 1 bowl 75

Soda 1 bottle 10

Milkshake 1 bottle 200

Beer 1 bottle 200

Alcohol 1 serving 75

Green tea 1 cup 10

Black tea 1 cup 10

Milk with added flavours 1 cup 120

Fruit juice 1 cup 120

Papad 1 45

Vermicelli 100 gm 333

Ragi 100 gm 320

Tofu 100 gm 76

Raita 1 serving 20

Sugar 1 spoon 30

Pickles 1 spoon 30

Salad 1 plate 100

Vegetable Rice 1 plate 200

Fried Rice 1 cup 150

Nutrients quantities required for human kind
Nutrient Chart 

Search here your dishes, serving size and calculate the calorie value and adjust as per you requirement. However we will provide some sample Indian diet (food) chart that will suit maximum people.

The list of Fruits and their nutritional value in per 100g. 


Mango 80 0.6 0.5 2

Jackfruit 93 1.6 15 1.5

Lychee 66 0.83 0.44 1.5

Black berries 13 2 0.7 0.76

Peaches 42 0.9 8 1.5

Berries 50 1.2 0.8 2.5

Pomegranate 83 1.67 1.1 4

Orange 60 1 3

Figs 74 0.75 0.3 3

Guava 68 5.4 0.95 5.4

Pineapple 56 52 0.16

Dragon fruits 60 2 2 1.5

Banana 89 1 0.33 12

Papay 32 0.6 0 2.6



The list of cereals and millets and their nutritional value in per 100g.

Grains/ Cereals 100g raw KILO CALORIES          PROTIEN     FATS

Brown rice 353.5 8.3 2.6

Parboiled rice 351

Whole wheat 322 11.1 2

Oats 140 6

Refined flour 352

Ragi 321

Rice flakes 354

Wheat vermicelli/semolina 333

barley 316 10.6 2

Bajra 348 5.5 2

Jowar 354

Amarnath seed 356 7

our dishes, indian food, Indian Lunch
Indian  lunch

The legumes are rich source of protien and it  a part of Indian Dishes. They are also source of minerals. They are being  comsumed in form of  Dal, Subji and Snacks.

The list of legumes and their nutritional value in per 100g.

Legumes /Dal 100g K CALORIES PROTIEN 

Black gram whole 291 8.8

Bengal gram whole 287 9

Cow pea, brown 320.2 24

Cow pea, white 320.2 26

Green gram, whole 293.7 24

Horse gram, whole 329.5 22

Lentil dal 322.4 9.2

Peas, dry 303.2 8

Rajma, red 299.2 24

Red gram, dal 330.7 13

Soya bean, brown 381.4 36

Lentil 352 8.7

Kidney beans Rajma 127 8.7

Muttar 81 5.42

Mung dal 347 24

Toor/Arhar dal 296 22

The vegetables are the bank of vitamins and Minerals. They achieve the Army in our body to fight with Diseases. The more you eat fresh and raw vegetables and fruits the more you become strong and healthy. As vegetable and fruits are concerned, They may be prefer to consume Fresh and raw as possible.  Know the seasonal fruits and vegetable in your locality and try to eat  those.   

The list of Vegetables and their nutritional value in per 100g. 

Vegetables KILO CALORIES PROTIEN (g) FATS (g) Fibre (g) 

Ash gourd 10 0 0 1

Beans, scarlet 158 7 1 2

Bitter gourd 25 2 1 20

Bitter gourd,small 60 2 1 2

Bottle gourd 12 0 0 2

Brinjal 24 1 9 1

Broad beans 48 4 0 2

Cauliflower 30 3 0 1

Cho-cho marrow 27 1 1 1

Colocasia stem 18 0 0 1

Cowpea pods 48 3 0 2

Cucumber 13 0 0 0

drumstick 26 3 2 4

Drumstick flowers 50 4 4 4

Field beans, tender 48 4 1 2

Figs, red 53 1 1 6

French beans 26 2 0 2

Ghosala 18 1 0 2

giant chillies 24 1 0 1

Jack fruit, tender 51 3 0 3

Jack fruit seeds 133 7 0 2

Karonda fresh 42 1 3 2

Karonda dry  364 2 10 0

Kovai 18 1 0 2

Knol-Khol 21 1 0 2

Ladies finger 31 2 0 1

Lakuch, raw 73 2 2 3

Leeks 77 2 0 1

Lotus stem, dry 234 4 1 51

Mango, green 44 1 0 1

Onion stalks 41 1 0 2

Plantain stem 42 1 0 0

pumpkin fruit 25 1 0 1

pumpkin flower 39 2 1 1

ridge gourd 17 1 0 1

Snake gourd 18 1 0 1

Sundakai, dry 269 8 2 18

Sword beans 44 3 0 2

Tinda, tender 21 1 0 1

Tomato, green 23 2 0 1

papaya, green 27 1 0 1

Parwar 20 2 0 3

Pink beans 44 3 0 2

Plantain flower 34 2 1 1

Plantain green 64 1 0 1

Lady finger, Spinach, Bitter Gourd, Patal, Indian vegetables, Seasonal vegetables

The list of Vegetables and their nutritional value Minerals (Mg) in per 100g.

Vegetables Minerals g Calcium (mg) Phosphorus(mg) Iron (mg)

Ash gourd 0 30 20 1

Beans, scarlet 30 2 50 160

Bitter gourd 1 20 70 1

Bitter gourd, small 0 23 38 2

Bottle gourd 0 20 10 0

Brinjal 9 18 47 0

Broad beans 1 50 64 1

Cauliflower 1 33 57 1

Cho-cho marrow 0 140 30 1

Colocasia stem 1 60 20 0

Cowpea pods 1 72 59 2

Cucumber 0 10 25 1


Drumstick flowers

Field beans, tender 1 210 68 1

Figs, red 2 187 39 0

French beans 1 50 28 1

Ghosala 1 36 19 1

giant chillies 1 10 30 0

Jack fruit, tender 1 30 40 2

Jack fruit seeds 1 50 97 2

Karonda fresh 0 21 28 0

Karonda dry 3 160 60 39

Kovai 1 40 30 0

Knol-Khol 1 20 35 2

Ladies finger 1 66 56 0

Lakuch, raw 1 67 25 0

Leeks 1 50 70 2

Lotus stem, dry 9 405 128 61

Mango, green 0 10 19 0

Onion stalks 1 50 50 7

Plantain stem 1 10 10 1

pumpkin fruit 1 10 30 0

pumpkin flowers 1 120 60 0

ridge gourd 0 18 26 2

Snake gourd 1 26 20 22

Sundakai, dry 5 18 180 2

Sword beans 1 60 40 2

Tinda, tender 1 25 24 1

Tomato, green 1 20 36 2

papaya, green 1 28 40 1

Parwar 1 30 40 2

Pink beans 1 54 70 2

Plantain flower 1` 5 42mg 2

Plantain green 1 10 29 6

source:  Tamilnadu Agri Dpt

Sample diet chart for Normal man (2000 Calories)

Early Morning diet  chart:-

200- 400 ml Lukewarm water with lemon/ honey/1 pinch turmeric or drinking water

Breakfast diet  chart:-

i. Chapatti plain 04 + Rayata 1cup + Green veg 150g (600 cal)

ii. Paratha 03 + seasonal G Veg + curd 1cup (650 cal)

iii. Cheela 02 + Raita 1cup + Egg 02 (550cal)

iv. Bread/toast 100g + eggs 02 + porridge or vegetable soup (600cal)

v. Aloo/veg Paratha small 03 + Raita 1cup + leafy Veg 100g (650 cal)

vi. Khichadi/porridge/vermicelli/upma + chole 100g +seasonal veg/fruit salad (600 cal)

Mid meal diet  chart:-

i. Sprout/ salad/ seasonal fruits + lemonade (200 cal) 

ii. Dry fruits/egg 02 + Lemon juice (300 cal)

iii. Boil gram/peas/peanuts/soybean +Fruit juice (200 cal)

iv. To slice of bread/ sandwich + tea or coffee (300 cal)

Lunch diet  chart:-

i. Chapatti 4 + rice boil 1cup+ dal 1cup + veg 100g+ fruits (750 cal)

ii. Chapatti 4 + rice 1 cup+ Chicken/Fish 100g+ Salad/fruits (750 cal)

iii. Rice 1cup+ Chapatti 3 + Chicken/Fish 100g + salad/fruits (750 cal)

iv. Rice 2 cup+ chapatti 2+ dal/sambhar (100g dal) + veg 100g+ fruits (700 cal)

v. Idly 6 + dal/sambhar (100g dal) + sauce (chatnee) (650 cal)

vi. Uttapum /dosa 02 + dal/sambhar (100g dal) + sauce (chatnee)+ sweet 20g (650 Cal )

vii. Chapatti 04/Paratha 2+ curd 250g+ Dal/chole +veg 100g (650 cal)

Evening Snacks diet  chart:-

i. Tea /cofee/ lemonade+ roasted Gram/cornflake 100g (170 cal)

ii. Tea /cofee/ lemonade + dry Nuts (200 cal)

iii. Tomato soup/fresh juice/milkshake+ boiled/roasted whole grain 100g (200 cal)

iv. Any type of beverage + any roasted snacks (170 cal)

Dinner diet  chart:- 

i. Chapatti 02 + Fish/Chicken curry 100g (400 cal)

ii. Chapatti 02 + seasonal Sabji+ chole 100g (550 cal)

iii. Rice 2 cup + Sambar/Dal 1 cup +veg 100g (400 cal)

iv. Veg/chicken pulao / veg/chicken curry (400 cal)

The above mentioned diet chart for the person working normal Not for vigorous working. The diet may be reduced or increase as per your age weight and metabolism rate.

Children require:- Protein (more than 1g/kg of weight which is minimum required), therefore Milk, soya, pulses, nuts soup may be increased.

Rigorous working  people require:- Carbohydrate and vitamins

Student who is studding doing mental exercise requires More Protein and Vitamins. They may be given protien and vitamins rich foods.

Elderly people:- Require Vitamins and mineral rich foods.

Pregnant ladies:- Require +22g per day than regular requirement. 

The Thumb rule of our diet

Thumb rule of diet, diet chart

Raw Vegetables/ Salad/ fruits: The greater parts of our meals and first        to start as starter It is treasury of Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals.

Legumes/Dal/sprout, egg/milk//:  the Second greater Parts of our meals. They provide Protien for growth, repair and production of red blood cell

Cereals and corn: these group is power bank of our food, gives calories to work

Fat Oil/Ghee/Fish:  These are having bad name now a days. Fats are the lowest part of meals. However these also supply the calories after breaking in simple form. Fat dissolve the vitamins and save the skin.

Simple recommendation in your diet habit to remains Healthy  

Indian Dishes Momos, less cholesterol Indian food
Momos with  Tomato Chatney

1. Increase raw fruits and vegetable and fibre

Starts with salad and fruits as starter

Whole roasted and boil grain 

Nuts, seeds and sprouts

This part should greater percentage of your meal

2. Increase protein intake

Skimmed milk

Eggs, skinless poultry

Pulses and soyabin

Beans, Rajma, gram and nuts (boil)

3. Count your calories intake

Avoid overeating and eat when you are hungry

Eat variety of food but care size of serving

Eat slowly by chewing properly and try to use spoon or small amount at a time

Avoid fry and heavy oily dish and sugar

Minimize sugar and sweet dishes the quantity must be counted

4. Reduce sugar and Sodium

Avoid use of table salt and pickles

Indian dishes, Indian food with less fats
Pani puri

Avoid intake of direct sugar or sweet like Jalebi, batasa etc.

Take dry raisins or other fruits as deserts

Avoid canned sweets and pickles

Use less salt and sugar while cooking

5. Reduce Fat and Cholesterol

 Take skimmed milk and reduce dairy product fats like ghee, butter

Prefer skinless poultry to red meat

Use boiled or roasted food in place of fried

Use air fryer in place of oil fryer in your kitchen

Take fruits, dry nuts, boil/roasted seed or grain in snacks

Still  Mental situation/  Health  is very much responsible for your Physical Health    


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