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30th National Children Science Congress Project


Technological innovation for ecosystem and health

TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR ECOSYSTEM AND HEALTH	 UNDER STANDING ECOSYSTEM FOR HEALTH AND WELL- BEING Prerna Chaurasia   Topic: RURAL SOLUTION FOR BETTER SEWAGE MANAGEMENT NAME PAGE •	TEAM LEADER:	Prerna Chaurasia •	TEAM MEMBER:	Kabita Turu •	GUIDE TEACHER:	Soham Bandhopadhyay •	SCHOOL:		Kendriya Vidyalay No. 2, AFS Tezjpur, Assam Day 1			10 Sep 2022   Summary:	We Got information about NCSC 2022.  Our guide teacher Mr. Soham Bandyopadhyay announced in class room about this year`s NCSC competition will be held in the up coming months we, Prerna and Kabita showed our interest to participate in this program.       																																																																																  Day 	3   		12 Sep 2022  Summary:	Sub – Theme finalised  We discussed among our – selves and decided to go with sub Theme No. 5 which is “Technological innovation for ecosystem and health”. We then started looking for ideas for project Title.   Day 	4 			13 Sep 2022  Summary:		Deciding on project title  	We started workingon different project ideas under guidance of teacher and also took help of internet fot find different project ideas.    Day	5	14 Sep 2022  Summary : Finalised title  We decided on an suitable title for our project by discussing among our  selves and with guide teacher and came up with the idea “Rural solution for making better sewage system”    Day	6		15 Sep 2022  Summary :		Setting up roles   	We set our roles and divide the work accordingly to conduct our work in fast and effecient manner.     Day	7		16 Sep 2022  Summary :		PREPARED THE SUVEY QUESTIONAIRE.  We pripared the questionaire with the help of our guide teacher. The questionair contained 14 questions.    Day 8 – Day 14		17 Sep 2022 to 22 Sep 2022  Summary :	Physical survey conduced  With our questionnaire we started conducted survey in our locality an visited different houses and conducted survey.     Day 15 – Day 26		(23 Sep 2022 to 04 Oct 2022)  Summary :	Telephonic survey  We conducted telephonic survey to our relatives and friends living in different location and states of India.    Day 21 – Day 25 (05 Oct 2022 to 09 Oct 2022)  Summary : Analysed to the whole survey  We analysed the survey in details, data were seen carefully and the we analysed it to find the percentages of people responding in each section and then make charts and tables from it.    Day 26 – Day 30 (10 Oct 2022 to 24 Oct 2022)  Summary : Summarised our project   	We summarised the aim of our project, the problems related to it and their solutions. We then added a page of this summary in our project file.   Day 31 – Day 35 (15 Oct 2022 to 19 Oct 2022)  Summary :	Designed solutions   WE designed our charts. Chart 1 contains our introduction and the little of the project. Hart 2 contains the methodology and observations. Chart 3 contains the results. Chart 4 contains conclusions and future plans.    Day 36 to Day 38 (20 Oct 2022 to 22 Oct 2022)  Summary : Feed back from friends and teachers.  We asked our advisors if the project work is done accurately and made, find changes. We checked for any grammatical errors in the rough.    Day 43 – Day 48 (27 Oct 2022 to 01 Nov 2022  Summary : 	Improvement of project We asked our advisors if the project work is done accurately and dade final changes. We checked for any grammatical errors in the rough.     Day 49 – Day 50 (02 Nov 2022 to 03 Nov 2022)  Summary :	Presentation practice  Prerna practice presentation with the charts as she is the team leader. We took help from the internet for the preparation, we also took help from out guide teacher.    Day 51 (04 Nov 2022)  Summary:	Submission of materials.  We submitted our file. Our file contained index, abstract, introduction, need statement, hypothesis, work plan, methodology, observations, inference, social relevance, future plan, acknowledgments, references and appendix.      Day 52 (05 Nov 2022)  Summary:	School level competition.  We did our Presentation.


Prerna Chaurasia

Sub Topic:



TEAM LEADER: Prerna Chaurasia

TEAM MEMBER: Kabita Turu

GUIDE TEACHER: Soham Bandhopadhyay

SCHOOL: Kendriya Vidyalay No. 2, AFS Tezjpur, Assam

Day 1 10 Sep 2022

Summary: We Got information about NCSC 2022.

Our guide teacher Mr. Soham Bandyopadhyay announced in class room about this year`s NCSC competition will be held in the up coming months we, Prerna and Kabita showed our interest to participate in this program.

Day 3    12 Sep 2022

Summary: Sub – Theme finalised

We discussed among our – selves and decided to go with sub Theme No. 5 which is “Technological innovation for ecosystem and health”. We then started looking for ideas for project Title.

Day 4 13 Sep 2022

Summary: Deciding on project title

We started workingon different project ideas under guidance of teacher and also took help of internet fot find different project ideas.

Day 5 14 Sep 2022

Summary : Finalised title

We decided on an suitable title for our project by discussing among our  selves and with guide teacher and came up with the idea “Rural solution for making better sewage system”

Day 6 15 Sep 2022

Summary : Setting up roles 

We set our roles and divide the work accordingly to conduct our work in fast and effecient manner.  

Day 7 16 Sep 2022


We pripared the questionaire with the help of our guide teacher. The questionair contained 14 questions.

Day 8 – Day 14 17 Sep 2022 to 22 Sep 2022

Summary : Physical survey conduced

With our questionnaire we started conducted survey in our locality an visited different houses and conducted survey.

Day 15 – Day 26 (23 Sep 2022 to 04 Oct 2022)

Summary : Telephonic survey

We conducted telephonic survey to our relatives and friends living in different location and states of India.

Day 21 – Day 25       (05 Oct 2022 to 09 Oct 2022)

Summary : Analysed to the whole survey

We analysed the survey in details, data were seen carefully and the we analysed it to find the percentages of people responding in each section and then make charts and tables from it.

Day 26 – Day 30     (10 Oct 2022 to 24 Oct 2022)

Summary : Summarised our project 

We summarised the aim of our project, the problems related to it and their solutions. We then added a page of this summary in our project file.

Day 31 – Day 35      (15 Oct 2022 to 19 Oct 2022)

Summary : Designed solutions 

WE designed our charts. Chart 1 contains our introduction and the little of the project. Hart 2 contains the methodology and observations. Chart 3 contains the results. Chart 4 contains conclusions and future plans.

Day 36 to Day 38     (20 Oct 2022 to 22 Oct 2022)

Summary : Feed back from friends and teachers.

We asked our advisors if the project work is done accurately and made, find changes. We checked for any grammatical errors in the rough.

Day 43 – Day 48    (27 Oct 2022 to 01 Nov 2022)

Summary : Improvement of project

We asked our advisors if the project work is done accurately and dade final changes. We checked for any grammatical errors in the rough.

Day 49 – Day 50    (02 Nov 2022 to 03 Nov 2022)

Summary : Presentation practice

Prerna practice presentation with the charts as she is the team leader. We took help from the internet for the preparation, we also took help from out guide teacher.

Day 51    (04 Nov 2022)

Summary: Submission of materials.

We submitted our file. Our file contained index, abstract, introduction, need statement, hypothesis, work plan, methodology, observations, inference, social relevance, future plan, acknowledgments, references and appendix.  

Day 52   (05 Nov 2022)

Summary: School level competition.

We did our Presentation


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