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30 National Children Science Congress Project work




Sub Toppic:

Technological innovation for ecosystem and health


Rural solutions for making better sewage system

Prerna Chaurasia


This is to certify that the content of this projec entitled “RURAL SOLUTIONS FOR MAKING BETTER SEWAGE SYSTEM” under the focal theme of NCSC 2020-21 “UNDER STANDING ECOSYSTEM FOR HEALTH AND WELL BEING” AND SUB THEME “TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION FOR ECOSYSTEM AND HEALTH” MADE BY “Prerna and Kabita of class 7D” under the supervision of “MR. SOHAM BANDHYOPADHYAY:.

Technological innovation for ecosystem and health cover page


  1. abstracts
  2. aims and objectives of the project
  3. need statement
  4. hypothesis
  5. work plan
  6. methodology
  8. data ANALYSYS
  9. result
  10. solutions of the problem
  11. conclusion
  12. future plan


Technological innovation for ecosystem and health

Rural solutions for making better sewage system 


Sewage system are used to take the waste water created in our residential area and successfully putting  it back into the nature for natural filtration and finally getting back to surface and underwater sources. Earliest example of sewage system created by human is found in the ruins of the Harappan  Civilisation. Today many of our city and municipalities have proper sewer system that serve to drive out wastewater, but our rural areas lack the properly constructed sewer system. This lead to accumulation of water, stagnation of waste and contaminated of drinking water leading to different diseases.
This project is selected to understand this problem of lack of sewage system in rural areas, the nature of the existing system of waste of waste water management through survey method. In the end, low cost and eco – friendly system are also discussed. As solutions that will help us to resolve this problem.  For log book visit.


Our present sutudy is aimed to evaluate the present condition of the sewage system and waste water management system in the rural areas of our courntry.

We will also evaluate the reasons for which the sewage system implementation is problematic in rural setting.

We will also design system by which a low cost and ecological solutions that can be provided to the villagers so that their areas remain cleaned.


Proper sanitation and treatment of waste waer is very much inportant for the maintainance of the proper wast cycle and keep the and surface water clean and drinkable and usable. But many a times we see different villages where lack of proper villages wher lack of proper sewage system causes accumulation of water in different wate bodies, rivers, ponds and even open land. This causes spreading of different diseases like cholera, typhoid, malarea, dengue and many other diseases. So we need to create new technology based solutions to solve this problem of waste water and sewer management in rural areas.

Survey questionnaire

Technological innovation for ecosystem and health



Sewage system is the infrastructure that conveys sewerage or surface runoff water using networks of surface livel and underground drains, manholes and pumping stations. This system ends at and treatment plant of at the point on which is it release into the water bodies.

The first properly constructed sewer system can be found in the Indus Valley Civilisation wher the network of brick lined sewage drains were constructed along the streets to carry wastewater from homes. Even today, this type of systems are present in many of our cities and villages. But this open drains are often get clogged by plastic and other objects and caused the overflow of water from the drain, specially during the rainy season. This lead to accumulation of wastewater in our surroundings. For this project, first a survey was conducted in arround the locality of our school and also conduct telephonic intervewing in different villages around our country. We asked them about the condition of sewage system they have, if any. What happens to the run off water andhow keen they are to build a sewage system and how they are finding it difficult to create a sewage system for their own. In our second part of the project, we personally obseved the locailites and found out mostly three types of sewage system in effect-

a) OPEN DRAINAGE AND ACCUMULATION: Most people release the waste water directly in the fields, where this water gets accumulated, if the home is away from the field, this released in the open constructed drains.

b) Some of the homes have small pool of water in front of their home, where they store the water and then the accumulated water percolates through the ground and goes into the groundwater. The water also have different plants growing over it.

c) Some have underground drainage system of concrete constructed to their homes, that carry the water away into water bodies. No water treatement was observed in this areas.


A) During our study, we found that 60% of the nural household have the sewage system.

B) We found out that 100% of the rural households want to have a sewer system for their homes. Most problems that people faced to build a sewer system is the lack of 

     a. Lack Knowledge

     b. Lack of infrastructure like main draingage

     c. Lack of space

     d. Lack of financial help

C) 96% of people participated in survey agreed that the waste water is not treated before releasing in the natural body.

D) 6% of participated person agreed that the mud from sewage system is used to produce manure. 

For stress management go here


On analysis of data and resources available, the following solution is derived.

In rural area awareness among people is key problem. An awareness programme like benefits of sewage system and loss/harm of open or untreated sewage system may be run in rural area. 

Instead of constructing cartelised pipe network system like urban areas, we can create modular system that can be implemented at the individual house hold level or group of some household.

Implementing schemes of subsidised sewage construction  by government so that villagers get encouraged to build individual level wastewater management system. As a model of individual wastewater management, through our study, we would lide to propose two model of the solutions.


A constructed wetland treatment process that occurs in natural wetlands. Wastewater from the household first goes to a septic tank containing aerobic bacteria and airflow system that mitigates the organic wastes. It then flows from the septic tandk and inters to the wetland cell. Here wastewater is treated by natural microbes, plant and other media that remove pathegens and nutrients. The wetland cell typically consists of and impermeable liner and grovel and sand fill, alongwith appropriate wetland plants, which must be able to swim in a perpetually saturated environment. Treated water then may emit the wetland and flow into a drainfield for further wastewater treatment into the soil.

Technological innovation for ecosystem and health


An Evapotranspiration system is an unique system that is suitable for the hot and dry regions of our country. The base of Evapotranspiration system is lined with a watertight materials  Here wastewater form the houshold first goes to a septic tank containing aerobic bacteria and airflows system that mitigates the organic waste. It then flows from septic tank drainfield, it evaporates into the air. Unlike other septic system designs, the effluent never filters to the soil and never reaches groundwater. The solid waste remain in the sand bed make it suitable for growing different plants on it.

Technological innovation for ecosystem and health


Through our work we came to know many key aspects of the sewer system and why it is important for our modern villages and cities. We also came to know about several problems regarding the planning of housing in the rural areas and how it contributes to the accumulation of waste water around us causing many diseases. Proper waste water management requires releasing into the nature. Our soil act as very good filter before the water reaches underground reservoir. Through proper system, we can scientifically apply the natural ecosystem based process and enhance it to increase efficiently of the rural sewage system. The we can make our villages clean and achieve the goals of clean India under ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’.


As a future plan, we have and idea to implement our model designs in our school or locality in a small scale. For that purpose we will also seek resorces and help from government of nonprofit sources and fine time the feasibility of our designs.


We would like to express my special thanks to gratitude to my cuide teacher Mr. Soham Bandhopadhyay as well as our principal sir Mr. Sanjay Sarkar who gave the opportunity to do this wonderful project on the table. We would also like to express our gratitude to person who participated in our survey, our science teachers and all my friends for their valuable guidance and support. We also express very heartly gratitude to our parents for guidance.

Prerna and Kavita
Class VII 
KV2 AFS Tezpur, Assam

Please assimilate your self to participate in survey next project 

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