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Give more than you get

Positive beliving

What is success?

Each one has own definition of success. All the definitions derived that success is achieving the desired goal or aim. It may be a small goal, a big goal or a life long goal. 

The success is sacred juice for our soul that enjoy and satisfy with it. It is not a single thing or single achievement it is a continuous process. Our keeps setting its goal. Therefore we are not able to say that we have succeeded at a point of time. The success is never ending process. 

To understand the goal or aim of life is very important to success.


The aim or goal may be defined a single thing that we want to get. To wish to get or achieve a thing it may honour, or object. It is our Aim.

We put all our efforts to achieve this. This may be to get a pizza or a bicycle for child or to be become a winner in interschool athlete competition. The aim may be for a student to become a doctor or a lawyer. To raise a benevolent fund for deprived children also become a goal for a person. The goal may be divided in four category as per time horizon. 

Type of goal

  • Very short period goal
  • Short period goal
  • Long period goal 
  • Long life goal

One fixes one`s goal and puts all his efforts, to achieve it. These all are about planning our activities(our work) and the way of achieving. If we fix our goal that means we discipline our action. This is the first step. Now mind your action either they help to achieve the goal or  acting in another direction. One saying is 

sharp your axe when you in rest”.  

Now question arises that

  •   Is every one setting their goal?
  •        Is every one putting their efforts with full throttle and their all energy              that they burn to achieve the goal has been used for same purpose? 
  • Have they achieve their goal within targeted time period?
  • After all are all the person are happy after achieving their goal?

Absolutely the answer will be varied. Every one is not trained and has no ability to organise his activities.  There are so many interference in our life and society in which we reside. Some times even we don`t know the things that interfere in our life. Only we have to learn the following things

reading poem may be hobby for reading poem click here

The easy steps to achieve goals.

Learn to fix our goal

Learn to Synchronising our mind with our physical organs.

Learn to save our energy and to use it in a single work at a time.

learn the way to minimise the interference. 

There some rules to achieve above mentioned things.

Know your strength

Do one work at a time

Finish the first work and take pause

        Start second work after

This is called Total action. Here work means each small activities like brushing your teeth, talking with your friend, studding, writing or playing. This will help to save your energy, prevents you from forgetting, avoid you from committing mistake and improves your personality.



There was an old man. He was very cheerful and helpful. He sold balloons for his living. He sold red, yellow, blue and of others colors balloons among children. When his selling decreased he flies a balloon filled with helium gas. When children saw the flying balloon in the air they become eager to get same balloon and they reached to old man to buy balloons. The sales of old man gets increasing.

He used to fly the balloon when his sales decreased. One day he feels someone is pulling his kurta. He looked back, a little boy is standing besides him and he was asking. If you left the black balloon in the air then can the black balloons fly in the air?

The question of the innocent child touched the soul of old man. He smiled and replied “ dear son balloons does not fly due to its color but it flies due to the gas filled in the balloons inside it.   

Only the qualities of a person matters not the certificate of universities.

Qualities of good personalities









Team sprit

Good health 


What will happen when you drive your car while applying break. You are giving full accelerator and  You are not achieving full speed of car, you will burn more fuel and travel less distance, your car will heat up and at last your car may break down. Therefore we most know the hindrance of our success. They apply break while we giving full throttle by using all our keys of success.  

poem read here

These are the hindrances that delay or prevent us to succeed.

1. Unwilling to take risk
2. unwilling to plan and prepare
3. Lack of persistence
4. Lack of conviction
5. Lack of understanding of nature`s laws
6. Lack of discipline
7. Lack of knowledge
8. Lack of purpose
9. Lack of courage
10. Instant gratification
11. Lack of priorities
12. Looking for shortcuts
13. Fatalistic attitude
14. Poor self-esteem
15. Inability to use talent
16. Inability to recognise opportunity
17. Not learning from past mistakes
18. Fear
19. Rationalisation
20. Selfishness and greed

Letters during Covid-19 (Corona)


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