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covid 19 virus

Guide them to use spoons while eating

And Cover their face while sneezing

Never shake hands say Namaste

No nail biting, No nose picking

Keep away and No scratching

Wash their hair, Wash their hands

Clean their cloths, clean their nails


Dear readers,

Today you are sitting in home some are working from and students are busy in completing summer vacation home works. The house wives are sweating to full fill the demands of family members.


Some are watching Television and feel agony due to the COVID 19 the killer virus and the discussion is going on the television.

I want to share the experience during LOCK DOWN by  some students. The experience was gathered from skill of writing competition organised by team of GETONHOBBY team.

It can be read as a Hobby ‘ reading’ Information seeking and for experience our past

basic stances of karate

 The letter is selected due to its writing skills, rich of fun and written seriously written by as students of 

 A letter to father expaining his experience during lockdown in pandemic COVID 19

DATE: 15\5\2021



Dear Pita ji and Ma,

Namaste and CharanKamalo Me Pranam,

I am fine and hope you are enjoying the Lock down of covid 19. I am very eager to write to you and thanks to our children who have given the chance to write to our parents, sharing the experience during Covid 19. I feel really much happy to write because in this era of Information technology the writing a letter has become official or evidence proof.

It was 23 Mar 2020 when our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Damodar Das Modi announced 72 hours lock down. We were in TV room after having Dinner in mess. It was surprising and pleasure creating news as well as it gave pressure to our minds to think what are to be closed and what are to be open. Now the long marathon of discussion started on Television as well as in offices, in mess or in group. What will be the effect of Lock Down and Covid 19 virus, the terror and killer. As the lock down extended in phase manner the topics of discussion and blame was shifted to different topics. We clapped to welcome Covid 19 Warriors, we showered flowers on Covid 19 warriors even we clanked our dishes to break the chain of covid 19, the killer virus. We all enjoyed a lot and analysed the reason of these activities and the results were discussed around us. We even observed few hours of power cut with diyas lit.  Thanks Covid Virus you have given one more GOD to our people.At same time the scientists and doctors were busy finding the solution for this vital virus. Thanks to the Scientists of China who are blamed to bring the new virus Covid 19 in the world, published the life chain i.e. DNA chain on internet. Now the scientists became busy to study the chain and find the solution to kill this killer Covid 19.

At same time I was very worried about your grand children and bahu whom I left in Delhi as the disease was spreading like hell. Leave was stopped till further order. Train, aircraft and buses, all services were stopped. We got confined in our campus and had become fully dependent on Mess food.I can remember that we were peeping outside through campus main gate when we got chance to visit there. Your grand child Prerna and daughter in law were sick. They explained they were getting medicine through window even doctor were not examining closely they are giving medicine on 'Lakshan' of disease. The agony turned into sleepless night.  I was in Assam, here the case of Covid 19 was less and the treatment in MI room as well as in Base Hospital was going on. I was busy to plan how to shift my wards to a safe place. Any how I got success to shift my wards at safe places as  well as house hold items to Tezpur. Thanks to the idea of lock down that controlled the disease. Other wise the hospitals and medicine system of our country is running on mercy of god.

Thanks to technology and scientists, they found the formula of Vaccine for covid 19. The happiness blossomed in eyes. Governments and Medicine Company tried a lot. The production of vaccine started in many countries. Vaccination started.


Again the Tyranny March has come and the 2nd wave of Covid 19 has come. More dangerous, with more intensity, it is dancing and killing our dear ones. Lock down applied and in phase manner, the train service has not been stopped. Our government and we never forget the emergency LOCK DOWN that made our people to march from one end of country to other end. It seemed our people ran marathon on roads, highways and even on railway tracks that time. They made many records; even the daughter of USA president Ivanka Trump made remarks on cycling of a poor girl who carried her sick father on her cycle for Delhi to Her native Darbhanga, Bihar. Our highways became red, even people were being carried in concrete mixing container.We are in agony by watching these all. What can be done by thinking and planning, the days are passing. The business that never slows down, is not generating money. The Temples, Churches and Masjids that never closed their door now, it was closing. The God is unable to generate employment for his Panda Pujari.


Now allow my god like Pita Ji to stop the flow of thought and bless me to do some thing for the diseased people. Guide your children to maintain high grade of hygiene at their places and wear Masks.

'Guide them to use spoons while eating

And Cover their face while sneezing

Never shake hands say Namaste

No nail biting, No nose picking

Keep away and No scratching

Wash their hair, Wash their hands

Clean their clothes, clean their nails'


Your Dear Son Deepak

 A letter to grandfather sharing experience during lockdown in pandemic COVID 19



DATE: 13\5\2021




Dear grandfather

Namaste grandpa, how are you? I am fine. I expect you know about covid-19 virus came and it vaccine too. You know what happened with me in Delhi, our annual exams were going on, the last day of exam was of Hindi, hardest subject for me, I wa safraid ofHindi. I was going to school it was so windy and breezy day, I was thinking of exams and I went to examination room it was so quite, I gave the exam and went home wondering what will I answer when my asks about the paper. Mom was watching news I was surprised at what they were telling us, they were telling,in our country the government announced lockdown (means no playing in parks, cannot go to picnic and cannot meet  friends OH!NO IT WAS SO BORING! if we have to go for shopping, have to wear mask on our face an keep sanitizer in pocket.My father was in Assam, as he was posted in Sep 2019.

 On 1 July 2020 I reached Assam, all my family has to be in quarantine of 15 day. On 5 July, I celebrated my birthday in quarantine, we make cake from lotto chocopi it was so tasty YUMMY YUMMY IN MY TUMMY HUM….HA HA. After that I was waiting when the lockdown gets over and over time the days passed after my this dream was completed, then I joined the karate class I were learning it by my heart when I yellow belt means Q9 I earn my first belt starts.

Again this is March 2021 and the 2wnd wave of Covid 19 is knocking our doors. Any how we earn the orange belt (Q8) suddenly my karate class gets a full stop. The Covid 19 made it shut down all parks and shops except kirana stores. Again we are confined in our home limited to eat and play. However we are always playing badminton with my friend Nisita didi and Anvi.

We are playing badminton less but hide and sick with IAF police more.Every day the police came we hide in buildings when they go away then we starts playing again like we are playing hide and sick game with police it is so fun to do this with police HA..HA…HA. I know that you say me you are so naughty I agree with this and feel proud to be. my online classes are started you know it is so boring.Sometimes the network get disconnectand the class leaved it seems so bad.

Still we managed to come on vacations two times to our  home. first time I came to village during Chath puja and I enjoyed so much. During second the time we attended my mama’s marriage and I enjoyed well too. Hey my grandpa I want to close my words and my letters please allow me to stop. I miss you so much grand pa (Dada jiiiii). stay safe stay healthy always wear the mask and keep sanitizer in your pocket and keep sanitizing your hands only if you are outside from house ALL THE BEST BYE BYE….

Your grand daughter


With love Prerna
punches of karate
basic stances of karate


A letter to Grandmother sharing experience during lockdown in pandemic COVID 19







Dear Grandmother,

                          Namaste!!How are you? I am fine and I hope that my letter finds you in a good health. Today I am writing this letter to inform you about the precautions which should be taken to stay safe from COVID-19.

As you know that nowadays people are suffering from Corona Virus or Covid-19 because of which most of the SCHOOL, MARKET, SHOP,etc….. are closed. In Corona, the government is getting home masks.  And saying that stay safe stay home, do not leave without any necessary work.  Work hard and drink the decoction so that it increases immunity and protects you from corona.  There must be some precautions which should be taken to Stay Home Stay Safe fromCorona Virus.Some of the precautions  taken by one are:-

*Wash your hands properly after coming from outside and going outside.

*Take your SANITIZER with you always when you go outside.

*Don’t sneez or cough in front of anyone.

*Always use a  MASK when you go outside.😷😷😷

*If you have fever or cough, one should go to doctor immediately.

Thank you Grandmother..

So these were the precautions which should be taken to Stay Safe Stay Home from Corona Virus or Covid-19.

I hope these precautions were helpful for you.

Thank you…………………..

Your loving Grandson


दो गज कि दुरीमास्क है जरूरी

 A letter to grandfather expaining experience during lockdown in pandemic COVID 19.



18 MAY 2021



Dear Grandpa,

Namaste, I hope you are doing well, same as you wrote me last time. I am well too, coping pretty well with this pandemic and lockdown (bit easier for an introvert person like me). Yeah, by lockdown I would like to wish you a ‘happy corona and lockdown’. You must be aware that it has been a complete year since those two landed on this very home of ours ‘earth’. It so happened grandpa that I was scrolling through some instagram memes with people being nostalgic not pretty nostalgic, just being little nostalgic and reminiscing about the last one year that I got a little nostalgic too. Don’t worry, I didn’t went bragging about it on social media, but I thought that I should write about it to you so I can myself see those reels of past.

Well it was quite an interesting experience for me, shocking too with so many deaths and so much fear, but it didn’t failed to amaze me a bit. Ok, grandpa now put your head in the pensieve in which I have poured out the threads of my memories...

‘Ah as you see, it’s me reading some message on whatsapp, its nothing just a circular from CBSE stating that the remaining two exams of 10th board will be in compliance to corona guidelines blah blah…. Now, whatever these CBSE folks were thinking about our safety and all but they didn’t knew, they have gifted chocolates instead of bitter gourd to the students. Didn’t got me grandpa? Let me take you to that very moment. Yeah, you are watching the right thing, there is only one teacher in the examination hall that too following social distancing and we are free to copy. CBSE forgot that we are mastermind copier in exams (thanks to corona). So grandpa the last two exams passed with us taking corona as a god’s greatest but the real surprise awaited. The night we are standing in now is the one before the lockdown and I can very well guess it from your surprised face that you have too reminisced it. I was surprised too, doesn’t it feels like we are going to have a zombie attack, everyone in hurry to buy the whole stock of grains at least for one year. See there I am, on that general store, waiting to buy a bag of wheat flour. I almost can remember the expression on my face that day’ pfff... what a crowd, it makes m sick, ughhh....’.  Ok pa, let’s get out of this sickening crowd and this pensieve, enough vision we have of my memories, further it’s all dull and boring, I will just explain it all to you. Ahead of this, the sickening life began with eating, sleeping, texting, talking. But there were moments that make it interes ting too. One is when I would go to talk to my friends on the road and when the patrolling vehicle will come, we will all run and hide inside the buildings, I quite enjoyed it and the uncle living below will quite make joke of this dailyJJ. Another time I enjoyed was teasing Prerna, she will whenever I went out ask me to come early and I will reply, ‘No.. I will come late’ and she will become all furious and and most of all when she will ask me to bring meat, and me denying it then I will pretend to imitate that furious cum pleading voice of hers.. That was real fun, you know GrandpaJJ. Grandpas, from then lots of things have happened, changed, even we all have experienced changes, the pandemic is still going on. But you know what I realize after recounting, alone hope to live has managed us to survive. You know this recounts me of a dialogue by Naruto of anime Naruto that I will never lose hope whatever the circumstances are and I believe that only hope can bring the change. That’s all for now Grandpa. Pay my regards to everyone in the family. Ask the all to remain safe and sound and not to worry about me, am taking care of myself.

With Love,

Satyam Babu

Ps: Did I mentioned, I am thankful to corona that it taught people to wear masks.



coronavirus - Wikipedia


Coronavirus world meter


COVID-19 ranking in world


COVID-19 meaning


World Health Organization COVID-19


World Health Organization coronavirus


Coronavirus definition


Coronavirus cases by country




How to write a letter?

As we are discussing about writing skill “letter writing” is one of them. It is very important to learn the skill. Letter writing has a format. It may be written the same format.

Format of letter


Address of  writer (addressor)



Address of  the person to whom letter is addressed (addressee)



Salutation (dear ........., beloved ........ , )

Greetings (start with words of greetings)

Body of letters




Ending ........

Yours sincerely




The letter can be categorised in two types

·       Official Letters or Formal letters
·       Personal letters or Informal letters


The format can be used to for both types letters. However the informal letters may be written as you wish to good still the parts of contents are required in any format.

Letter writing may be used as a hobby.



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