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from my father diary, how to motivate

How to motivate others?

The process of motivation involves the following factors.

  • Study and caring the people ....
  • listening to subordinates or wards ....
  • knowledge of task and its solution ..
  • Understanding the Ideal and the real ...
  • Time management ....
  • proper communication...
  • A little fear ...
  • transforming habits of subordinates or wards ....
  • Making the task a play or Fun ....


We present our selves for counselling to mentor of our school in every three months and when new session starts. Some says that the mentor is a psychologist. Sometime it`s boring and some times it is interesting. But summary of all advices are same. Every on and off our parents, our elders and (our grandparents when we are on holiday) are used to giving long lecture, a series of advices. Some times we do not interested to listen still acting of listening for showing respect and care to them, disciplined to our selves. Whenever I was in train for long journey or sitting in leisure at my house I used to recall what they suggest, then I came to know these are the just same in nature as the advice of mentors in our school. Slowly now I am growing up, I am taking interest in watching television news after leaving watching cartoon. Discussing general knowledge among my friends thank to digital learning platform Byjus, and my father who make me ahead in my class room as well as among my friends.

Mentors are hired at every organisation to counter the side effects of excessive information. This is the age of information. Input is more, people have more options to choose. Some times Its become very tough to decide, what to select and what not to select.  This creates puzzle to choose and to accomplish efficiently.

One day a greed to read my father`s old diary came in my mind. I took out a diary kept in a trunk. It is looking just new, covered in transparent polythene wrapper. I started to turn the pages and read only heading and the day it was written. As I turned the pages the heading made me to think. Again I started to compare the speeches of mentors, of my parents and of my grand mother who never went to school. The message was same how it is possible, the difference  was, uses of words and sentences. Then I understood that the advices and lectures are important. Now I decided to read the diary completely and pen down it for others.

I am not good enough in English but I don`t know hindi much to write my thought on paper.  My grammar is poor, misspelt is my habit but thanks to digital development like google and MS Word and my PAPA and my elder brother that make me to write.



(i)         Preface
(ii)         To the readers
(iii)         What is motivation?
(iv)         Who is motivator?
(v)         Who is motivatee?
(vi)         What is organisation?
(vii)         People the problem
(viii) Two way advice
(ix)         A little fear
(x)         Dirty direction and shooting blind
(xi)         The autocratic ideal and real
(xii)         Time the revolving wheel
(xiii) Communication
(xv)         Stuck 
(xvi) Play the fun
(xvii) A matter of habit
(xviii) Distance
(xix) What makes the poor leader

How to motivate, become a leader, grow your personality
Good leader

Apr 09, 2022

Today I took out an old diary of my father. When I tried to turn the pages my eyes stucked to the headings in his diary. Indeed,  he is not a regular diary writer as saw it has not been written in regular basis. It seems he wrote when he had either completed a book or he got emotional or any other case might be. He has written on and off. but when ever he had written he had written the date and a subject for most of his writings. 

I am not able guess the book which book he had read before writing under a heading in the diary on a particular day. The only headings of his diary compel me to write. The second reason is “ It will be good that the contents of many books are summarised in some pages that may be passed to my near and dear.” I will summarise the only headings that can motivate you or pass good things  to you. The remaining is for him only.


It is the first heading of his diary written between Mar 12 of 2015 to Apr 04 of same year. It has got first place in my series of summaries too. I am not able to name the which he had completed but it is related to managements or motivations. The writer of this book may guessed, he may be a senior manager in a company or he may be a business head and he might have at end of his service. Motivation is very much required to every where even it is family, school, playground or office. Now a new profession has become in trends “The Mentor”. In every offices or organisation a mentor is being hired. Indeed he is a motivator.

how to motivate, how to win the friend, making friends
Motivating to childern

What is motivation?

Motivation is a process of getting the things done by others what you want them to do. In simple language If Mr. A wants that some person should do a desired work to achieve a specific goal and he persuades them to do the desired work. Mr. A try to impel them to achieve the goal with in the time. The whole method is motivation. Fare tools that is symbiotic to each other may be used. The process is used to impel other person to accomplish a desired task with in the time is called motivation.

Who is motivatee?

 Persons who needs motivation or the persons who is accomplisher or we can say the person on which motivation method is used are called motivatee. Example:-  a student, a son or daughter, a pupil, a worker or all subordinates under a manager are motivatee.

Who is motivator?

The person who applies motivation process on his subordinates to achieve desired result is motivator. Ex :- a teacher, a guardian, a coach, a leader or a manager.

What is organisation?

Organisation is a group of people who gathered for some purpose. There are combined efforts that helps to achieve the purpose. They work on some rule. Companies, schools, homes, shops, government organisations and temples/churches are examples of organisation. I thinks family is a basic organisation where grow and learn. There are some motivators and some are motivatee. There are some purpose to make a good person who becomes good citizens. The lesion, the manners and the culture that we got in our family are the root nutrients. It is feed in root and it remains in our life. It can be seen in our attitude, in our habit and in our personality. 

Therefore family is very important  organisation.  

Who are Managers?

Manager, the word that has a greater sense in respect of Motivator. Still here we say managers are motivators who impels his subordinates to do a a desired work. Father among his children, leaders in his party, team leader/supervisor in a company and BABA among his pupils are example of managers. He applies the skills of motivation on his subordinates to achieve the desired goal.  

After all these questions and answers I may explain that every one is motivator on some places and motivatee on some other places. Therefore we should learn how to motivate and the process of motivation. It is the skill which is required for every one. Many are using the skills and they succeed even without knowing it. Name no matters only the skills. So many person have been utilising the skill since their childhood and become expert in the field without studding in a academy of management. Ideal theory taught in academies is not a special thing that matters, if you are perfect to use the skill, you will be successful along with your team.

There are some factor which is very important to keep in mind while applying the skill of motivation. It will make you proficient in your field. 


It is said “people are the source of the most of our problem, but they give us our solution too". You may have seen or observed that where there more people live, there are more problem but just opposite there life are easy. Efforts for living are less. Cities and mega cities are examples of solution managed by people.

  We can`t live with them but we can not live without them either. Thus we can say people are the problem and the solution as well. Needs to proper manage or motivate. People are the subject to study to manage and to motivate. The stone that stops your way  may be helps to move ahead by becoming stairs for you.

These are the example of

What are the  People problem?

  • New kinds of students
  • Challenging children
  • Change of employees
  • Strikes and demonstration
  • Falling production
  • Rising inflation

Story 1

"When a CEO of a multinational company has been asked “how do you deal with a person” he replied, meeting a person is just like digging gold mines for gold. We turn the tons of soil but we focus on gold only, if we focus on the soil which we turning we never get gold.

We should look bright side of coins but never ignore the dark side. We must focus the following while dealing with a person.

How to Deal with people?

  • Look for his strength that means what is he is good in with
  • Look for his positive attitude
  • Look for His good habit

Never criticise directly always criticise open heartily and sandwiched with his good things.

Practice and analyse your selves:

Days People you meet or deal with Tools used or how successful to deal with them


Every one has the hunger of acceptance. If he feels his importance or presence is matters for you, your way of motivation becomes easy. therefore Never turndown an advice of your subordinates directly. Listen carefully when someone makes suggestion and understand exactly what he is saying and what is being suggested.

Show appreciation to the person for caring enough and making suggestions even it is not suitable for a particular situation to adhere his suggestion. It will make him feel pride. He will be proud to be with you and in your organisation. This is panacea of all people problem. A Leader (motivator) may establish a favourable climate to apply his motivation method by welcoming ideas from his subordinates. If you denied to listen you may loose opportunity to gain.  It is said that fertile minds are not always labelled with a college degree. It may come from pawn. 

There is a story I have listen some where. 

Story 2

    "There was a meeting of top managers in a reputed toothpaste company. The topic of meeting was “how to improve the sale of company”. There are  so many suggestion that come from various  participant managers. The CEO of the company was listening and noting. In-between a hostess who is serving them water and tea speaks “may I make a suggestion”. Managers turn their head towards the hostess. Boss allow her to speak. She suggests to increase the diameter of opening of paste tub. Every one laughs on her suggestion. Boss ask how it increase our sales by doing this. She explain “you might have seen in our family or society people takes toot paste on their tooth brush from one end to other for brushing. People use more quantity of paste in one use if you increase the diameter of it`s opening”. Boss speaks “yes, yes…. Thank you”. He decided to increase the opening of tube a little.  The users of our tooth pasted more in numbers and the sale will increase in short period."

  • Keep in touch with key members of your departments but never depend upon the leg working for you.
  • Always keep your promise and never makes a promises that you can not keep.
  • However keep in mind “too many cooks spoil the borth (dish)” committee should not be used as a device for decision making and effective evaluation.
  • Committee are effective for generating alternatives, churning out for compromise and extending debate past lunch break.

Action chart two way advice

Days People you meet/deal with Tools used          how successful to deal with



Fear is a powerful motivator but it is counter productive. it motivates to work but be aware of that fearful people are less efficient. They work as much as it is required to keep them selves safe. Here are the some ways leader (motivators) use fear.

way of using fear

  • Refusing to give praise
  • Making excessive demand
  • Continually finding fault
  • Ignoring with silence
  • Making threats or raising voice
  • Embarrassing some one

These all are seems to be negative. In spite of these the under mentioned work better. These all are long term motivations.

  • Persuasions 
  • A sincere praise or a pat on back
  • Assigning a challenging task
  • Encouragements  
  • Promotion for better performance

Action chart of a little fear

Date         Tasks         Tools being used          Results for analyse 



The more clearly a person understand what you want the better he can deliver your expectation. That means it is the for and foremost work is to make our subordinates or wards to understand what we want. But making others to understand is not baking a cake.  It depends on their perception about motivator and his instructions. The instruction depends on how much the motivator study the problem.

Let me tell a story there are two managers A and B working in a company C. A realises that there is a problem but  not certain what it is and he does not know how to solve it. Where as manager B understands the problem but fails to communicate it with his subordinates. Both will be shooting  blind with their workers and leave their workers shooting blind.

It is necessary to know

prepare  to communicate

  • What exactly the problem is!
  • What exactly you want!
  • What the solution is!
  • Do not mumble when you give instruction
  • Voice must be plain and clear
  • Clear all the questions of your motivatee

Before passing instruction study the problem and the task. Find the goal to achieve and  Find the suitable solution. A good motivator can save himself and his workers from a lot of frustration while accomplishing by taking time to find the things 

Before final communication

  • What to accomplish 
  • All possible solutions before going for hunting. 

action chart of communication skill

Date             Tasks to accomplish             Preparation  


There is much more difference in ideal and real of an organisation. We learn in academy and from our advisor (motivator) is ideal and functioning in an organisation is real. There are so many factors that make difference between the ideal and the real. Here without discussing the factors we focus on balancing between them. Because it will become philosophic. A wise boss suggests the new motivator/manager to take two steps back and watch “how the company is functioning without his meddling”.  

SL NO IDEAL                         REAL

1 Job descriptions Real job functions

2 Organisation chart The actual organisation network

3 Stated intensions (moto) Real intentions

4 Represents human activities as static However Human activities are dynamic

5 Intended communications Real communications

6 Memos and meetings Feet on desk conversations

7 Thought in books and in schools Not taught but in practice

By study above mentioned table we can say “The ideal seeks to motivate people through an artificial constructed structure how ever the real seeks to utilise the real world structure”. We should keep both facts in our mind while motivate however It is far more effective to use a structure that has naturally evolved that you try to impose.

Action sheet for FROWNING ideal and the real 

Date Observation of difference             Following the real path


It is just like driving a car, you are controlling the revolving wheels as per road and traffic condition while driving. Here you can control the speed and direction of wheel  however the speed and direction of time can not be controlled only the thing you can control your speed and direction and can match  with time and your surrounding condition. As one become a perfect driver by learning to controls and by practising it one will become motivator for himself and for other by learning to manage oneself according to time.   Once you learn to manage time effectively, you will become perfect driver and you are able to motivate your self as well as others. Managing the time is indication of motivation to do the things itself. 

Time management needs

  • A little discipline
  • Prioritisation of work
  • Accomplish the work on time
  • that is enough

your accomplishment on time is sufficient to motivate others. It is said that “people gets more motivation from your action than from you instructions”.

Action sheet for Time management

Date % success to manage your selves Analysis 


Communication is a medium by which the suggestion or the instruction is passed. The quality of suggestion or instruction depends on quality of communication. The more effective communication the more effective instructions. Motivation, persuasion or encouragement is a set of instruction and suggestion and it depends on the way these  have been communicated.

Motivation will improve when communication improves. Therefore it is necessary to improve your first. For improving your communication there are some suggestion to prepare the answers of these questions before you are ready to communicate. 

The answer of these question you may achieve of 

The goal of better communication.

  • What do I want the audience to think? 
  • What do I want the audience to feel?
  • What do I want the audience to know? 
  • What do I want the audience to do?

These question is not so simple for me. It takes time to study the instruction and to prepare it. But effects of our communication fully depend on the study and preparation of instructions. The decision of communications may be made based on achieving above mentioned goals. 

Communication will be clear and brief if we find suitable answer out of our instruction.  The method and the way of communication must be selected so that these goal can achieved.

Steps of effective communications

  • Study task
  • Prepare instruction
  • Select the media of communication
  • Communicate directly if possible

Action chart of effective communication

Date Task and study % achievements of goal



It means to minimise weakness and maximise the strengths. The motivatee may be suggested to write down his strengths and read it daily. Every one should do this. By doing this, We focus on strength. No one should focus weakness. By law of attraction we attract the things which think about.

There are two steps to utilise the MINIMAX theory.

  • Avoid Emphasising the weakness
  • Build your strength

It is better to learn the strength of motivatee and build it, it is not better to find the option for a motivatee due to his weakness. Some time you may not get option.

Action chart MINIMAX

date Noticing strength Improvement in focusing on positive only



“When I was working in a office of a repair and service. A new senior Technical officer was assigned to head the sections of Service and Ops by Chief technical Officer. The first day he took the charge he kept a tea party. In between of so many talk he asked to a junior most technician to tell the story of Akbar and Birbal in which Birbal the chief minster of Akarbar (a Mughal king of India) came with replies of all questions of the king Akbar. How ever his other ministers went many times for many question. The junior technician was south Indian and had not listen the story and unable to tell. He asked to another junior technician unfortunately he too was not able to tell the story. The Senior technical officer himself told the story among us, his subordinates.” My father has written in his diary. You might have listened the story.

The Senior technical officer advised to all his  subordintes, every one must prepare the answer of all these question about the subject before going to explain to any person.  








How much?  

You will never stuck to motivate your selves as well as others when you answer these all eight WH question about a task or a subject. It might be you thought it is imaginary but it is true.


  • If you are a motivatee ask maximum of these question from your motivator if you are able to find yourselves. You will never stuck to accomplish.

  • When you are in place of motivator prepare the answer of all these question before passing the instructions. You must appreciate the motivatees for asking questions by answering them.

  • “I am recalling when every any person reaching him and stucked he told his PA to tell the story “Sahab ko story sunao”. Realy it was very fruitful it tried the formulae and remain at top among my trade mates.” Further he writes.

In case it is difficult to find the answer. There are some method to churn out to get the answer of the questions. 

Finding the solutions of problem?

  • Get together and brainstorm
  • Still not found…..
  • Look at the similar situation in nature
  • Still pending……
  • Use metamorphosis (a complete change from one form or situation to  into another)
  • Oh..h.. No…..
  • Ask real expert
  • Still No …….
  • Pass it off to some one else.

There are a well proved trick to solve the problem by yourselves.

Solving yourselves

(i) Study the problem and try to resolve it 

(ii) If answer won`t come after so many try, tell your subconscious mind to get the solution or answer the questions and forget it.

(iii) When you need solution of the same again, think about it consciously again. The subconscious mind will give you the input that you haven`t thought of.

(iv) Write down the answer in your diary when it comes first in your mind. 



You must have gone in a colony park or school play ground. If you have not observe, Go again for observing the boys or girls playing there. How much They work there and with how much dedications. Because they play and play is fun. If they were assigned a task to do, will they complete with same dedication and efforts. They may not! 

Most people work so they can play. Or want to play if they get time. Their work may be changed in to play by

Making a task FUN or PLAY

  • Proper training and practice of task
  • Assigning task according to their interest 
  • Know the strength of assignee and assign similar task
  • Making their task challenging
  • Variation in work

Here is a secret: if we want to motivate our people, we should try to make their work FUN. It will the most efficient tools if we can do. It will make our people efficient and productive.

It task of motivator to make task a FUN and make the motivatee efficient. 


Habit a pattern of doing some thing by an individual. Much of motivation involves changing someone`s habit. If you were succeed to transform the habit of your people`s habit, hurrah…! it was done! Half completed! But beware it is  natural to hesitate to accept the change by human. People resist to change their habit or set practice of their own. Even it is not suitable for him.

Now question is how to change the our people`s habit? There is no specific formula for it however there are some key suggestion to change their habit.

Changing one`s habits

  • Find a substitute, a better habit pattern to replace someone`s  old habit pattern

  • Find a better route or substitute that is new and more desirable pattern. 

  • Convince your people to involve that the new pattern is indeed better for both the individual and for the team.

  • Assign same task for a period of time and convinced him to do in set pattern.


Criticism may become bun for your people if it is made sincerely and true. When ever you are giving criticism sandwiched it in between positive comments about the person`s work. For example: if you want to draw the attention of your subordinate on his mistakes. You can “even you are doing very fast but mistake makes equal. Your attention may minimise your mistakes”.

While criticise .. while motivate

Be honest

Be sincere 

Be clear

Be open

Don`t embarrass

Don`t downgrade

Action chart for criticism

date Criticism Success rate

For better health visit our bog the HEALTH SOUP SERIES




There is a story. A colonel instructed his commanders “the president has instructed us to prepare and make a team of hundred experts in floods. The troop of experts must be good swimmer and expert in North East region. They will be  equipped with water jacket and readymade meals for their survival and other equipments to rescue the people . The troop of experts depart tomorrow for Assam flooded area to rescue the people trapped in flood. A helicopter will support the team in their task.

Commander pass the message to his subedar “our president has instruct. Make a troop of swimmers. The Troop will go Assam  with a helicopter to rescue the people of Assam. Pack the food and water jackets for people. The helicopter will help to rescue and bring you back in case emergency.

The Subedar pass the information to his Sipoy “warriors time has come to pay the cost of salt of nation. You have to save the nation from flood. All swimmers have to go to Assam to save people from enemy in floods. Bring your arms, package of foods and medicine. We will move by helicopter to Assam. It is flooded by river but we have to save our nation.

Now you can imagine what the message passed to shipoy the accomplisher. Message is passed from The More distance the chances twist of change is more. 

Distance should be minimised. Pass the message to accomplisher directly if it is possible otherwise minimise it.

What makes the poor leaders?


Apprehensive (anxious and nervous)





Submissive (willing to accept defeat)

2nd content from my father`s diary



Understand the people

Make the people like you

 Transform the people to think like you

Be a leader

let the people hide their face


Dear readers this is the next heading that attracts me in my father`s diary. It has taken second position here. These contents too are not for read or study. One has not to mug up. These have not to be read in one day. These are very short and crisp. I have tried to make it an exercise book. Only one content has to be read at a time and make in practice for week to bring in your habit. These are not new it has been taken from good books. Therefore be open it`s very simple, so many people utilise these without knowing. 

The contents are specially projected in such a way that these will help to all age group of people. They have to take time, to learn the tools and to utilise the tools on their friends and colleague. This will make you a happy friendly person among your friends.



1. Fundamental techniques to handle the people

2. Making people like you

3. Transform the people to think in your way of thinking

4. Be a leader


Winning the people means making them friends or making them like you.

Fundamental techniques to handle the people

Do not criticise, condemn or complain

Give honest and sincere appreciation

Arouse in other person an eager and want 

Six way to make people like you

Become genuinely interested in other people.


Remember that a person`s name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any language to that person.

Be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves

Talk in terms of the other person`s interests.

Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.

 Transform the people to think in your way of thinking

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.

Show respect for the other person`s opinions, never say you are wrong.

If you are wrong admit it quickly and empathetically.

Begin in a friendly way.

Get other person saying ‘yes’ ‘yes’ immediately.

Let other person feel that the idea is his or her`s.

Let other person do a great deal of the talking.

Try honestly to see things from other person`s point of view.

Be sympathetic with the other person`s idea and  desires.

Appeal to the nobler motives.

Dramatise you idea.

Throw down a challenge.

Be a leader 

A leader`s job often includes changing your people`s attitudes and behaviour. Some suggestion to accomplish this is:

Begin with praise and honest appreciation

Call attention to people`s mistake indirectly 

Talk abot yur own mistakes before criticising the other person

Ask question instead of giving direction

Let other person save face

Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be d heartily in your approbation and lavish in praise.

Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.

Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.

Make other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.


These contents are not for read or study. One has not to mug up. These have not to be read in one day. These are very short and crisp. I have tried to make it an exercise book. Only on content has to be read at a time and make in practice for week to bring in your habit. The advices and lecture are very important for us. It transform us. It can be say “ these are DADI KE NUSKHE” Even these are not new it has been written in good books. Many people might be knowing the facts but they are unable to utilise it including me. And so many people utilise these without knowing. Therefore be open it`s very simple. Follow the instruction make it in practice. It helps you.

The contents are specially projected in such a way that these will be more fruitful for a teacher, guardian/parents or hostel wardens who transform the life of a young. Even it is useful for a students. They have to take time, to learn the tools and to utilise the tools on their people (children) mentioned in contents and make them for efficient.



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