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Showing posts from October, 2023


 Planning of our Diet Meals plan ing Breakfast diet  chart:- i. Chapatti plain 04 + Rayata 1cup + Green veg 150g (600 cal) ii. Paratha 03 + seasonal G Veg + curd 1cup (650 cal) iii. Cheela 02 + Raita 1cup + Egg 02 (550cal) There are much confusion what to eat and what not eat become healthy and remain fit. There are so many diet plan and suggestion available on the internet. Here are some brain storming to plan your diet for yourselves. Still we have  provide some simple diet plane which suits you. Requirement of nutrition for various types of persons is different. Like children, pregnant and lactate ladies require more % of Protien however vigorous working people require more % of Carbohydrate in their food. If you are health conscious Here are a chart that provide suitable information base on (ICMR research 2021-22) that helps you to chalk out your food ingredients.  You may visit the Government site   here we get lots of video and data that may help you.  Cha