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Showing posts from November, 2023


What is hobby? The activities which is done in free time regularly, doing for fun and pleasure and not for money is called hobby. It thrills and rejuvenate from our profession. list of hobbies Singing or dancing   Dancing  Drawing and painting playing music instrument Reading or writing Gardening philately (collection and study of postal stamps) Collection of coins and currency Sculpture Cooking and housekeeping Designing and Art or craft Rawing or swimming  Any Sports or Yoga The list may go thousands however any work or activities of your interest and convenience give pleasure may become your Hobby. Let learn from honey bees, be busy and learn new skills. Benefits of Hobby Its Keeps you Busy It prevents from addiction Cools your mind Minimise stress and  depression It helps in Improving personality Enhance in social interaction  Improving healthy and happiness  May develop in to a new skills and enhance your Income Developing hobbies is a rewarding way to enrich your life and explore


Who are student? All most all persons who are will to learn are student. Either they are working or they are schooling, they have to upskill continuously. The technology, our work and trends are keep on changing. The old becomes absolute and the new is to be accepted, to be learned. Each one of us to be updated with hours so we all have to become student. Otherwise we will become absolute. What are the skill? The method, formulae or ability to do something well is called skill. Specially it can be gained by practice, training and knowledge. It is very much related with employability. Skills are the ornaments that enable a person to do a job or work in better way and time efficiently and enhance our opportunity to increase our Income. It increase our respect in our society. Here a wrong concept about our schooling and we are using wrong word the "Study". Practically we learns new skills in our schools. And the same was followed in primary however it weakens latter in middle an

31st NCSC Project Report

  FOCAL THEME: UNDERSTANDING ECOSYSTEM FOR HEALTH AND WELL BEING SUB THEME:           Fostering health, nutrition and well being TITLE OF THE PROJEC: Nutritive value of local/seasonal fruits/vegetable NCSC PROJECT  CIRTIFICATE: This is to certify that the content of this Project entitled “Nutritive Value of Local/Seasonal Food/Vegetable” under the focal theme of NCSC- 2023 “Understanding Ecosystem for Health and well-being” and sub theme “Fostering Health, Nutrition and well-being” made by Prerna and Kabita of Class 8 under supervision of Mrs. Charu Mehta. INDEX ABSTRACT AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT NEED STATEMENT METHODOLOGY RESULT SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM CONCLUSION FUTURE PLAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REFERENCE ABSTRACT Ecosystem and our health is very much related to each other. As biosphere has evolved on the earth and we are the part of it and of the ecosystem. We must know Ecosystem as Our health is totally depends on ecosystem and our life style. We can foster our selves an


Ghost in dark  THE GOD Multiple gods in Arab, Europe and Asia Worshiped to save and to gain Worshiped in fear of natural calamity and war The nature, the supper power The gods named on Nature The God the suppernatural power God of ancient Egypt Osiris son of Geb the Earth god and Nut Sky goddess Horus the god of war married to Goddess Hathor Thoth the god of Moon Anubis the God of funerary in head of Jackal The Gods of Ancient Europe Athena in helmet guardian of Athens Goddess of knowledge and war victory Aphrodite the Venus by Roman The goddess of love and beauty Apollo and sons Zeus The God of music and arts Hera , daughter of Titans Cronus and Rhea The Gods of pre Islamic Arab  Syrian god of moon the Hubal Athtar associated with Venus Responsible for thunderstorms and rain Almaqah with bull head god of irrigation Arsu and Azizos the evening and morning star Ashar, Asira, Amm, Ammi`Anas and thousands more The Gods of ancient India God Pashupati and Mother goddess S