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  poem No. 1 for more HEY GOD “where are you” 🕉  ☪️  ✝️ Hey god where are you Are you only one or more You’r Ram, Christ, Allah, Guru or many more? Hey god clear it! There lots of quarrels for your name, Your rule, method to make you happy Hey god make a oracle Do the good thing spite of pray Teach them what not to do Your existence is grey! Hey god where are you Are you in temple, in church In Gurudwara, in mosque or in an idol If we’re you there? People lie and cheat, Why your people drink, smoke, rape even they kill others at your place What are you doing God? Some say you are watching all,  Only you are doing all You are justifying to all In your eye equally all Only You allow to die and born to all All dieing reborn! Here One kills many, One Make slaves One exploits for he needs tiny One rapes, exploits and kills  One snatches and others hunger Is it justified  Its game of majority Its game of power Only sword decides the justification Hey what are you doing?  Your existence is s


 STORIES TO WIN STORIES TO WIN KEYS OF SUCCESS • Sharpen your mind • Feed your mind • Desire • Commitment • Responsibility • Hard work • Character • Positive believing • Give more than you get • Persistence • Pride of performance • Be a student, get a mentor • Give more than you get • Positive beliving What is success? Each one has own definition of success. All the definitions derived that success is achieving the desired goal or aim. It may be a small goal, a big goal or a life long goal.  The success is sacred juice for our soul that enjoy and satisfy with it. It is not a single thing or single achievement it is a continuous process. Our keeps setting its goal. Therefore we are not able to say that we have succeeded at a point of time. The success is never ending process.  To understand the goal or aim of life is very important to success. What is AIM OF LIFE OR GOAL OF LIFE? The aim or goal may be defined a single thing that we want to get. To wish to ge


 ACTION BOOK ON MOTIVAION FROM MY FATHER`S DIARY How to motivate others? The process of motivation involves the following factors. Study and caring the people .... listening to subordinates or wards .... knowledge of task and its solution .. Understanding the Ideal and the real ... Time management .... proper communication... A little fear ... transforming habits of subordinates or wards .... Making the task a play or Fun .... PREFACE We present our selves for counselling to mentor of our school in every three months and when new session starts. Some says that the mentor is a psychologist. Sometime it`s boring and some times it is interesting. But summary of all advices are same. Every on and off our parents, our elders and (our grandparents when we are on holiday) are used to giving long lecture, a series of advices. Some times we do not interested to listen still acting of listening for showing respect and care to them, disciplined to our selves. Whenever I was in train for long jour