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Showing posts from May, 2021


covid 19 virus Guide them to use spoons while eating And Cover their face while sneezing Never shake hands say Namaste No nail biting, No nose picking Keep away and No scratching Wash their hair, Wash their hands Clean their cloths, clean their nails   Dear readers, Today you are sitting in home some are working from and students are busy in completing summer vacation home works. The house wives are sweating to full fill the demands of family members.   Some are watching Television and feel agony due to the COVID 19 the killer virus and the discussion is going on the television. I want to share the experience during LOCK DOWN by  some students. The experience was gathered from skill of writing competition organised by team of GETONHOBBY team. It can be read as a Hobby ‘ reading’ Information seeking and for experience our past basic stances of karate   The lette


    Festival map of india It’s one country, or different states, Where have you landed, Gulliver mate!!! As I move up, as there is no down, Food, language, festivals changes, without change of crown… It seems some dream, but the reality does screams, Must is a land of god, I mean… And I see no harm, naming it ‘land of festivals and cuisine’, And here definitely joy reigns …..   Wondering…, where Mr. Gulliver’s ship crashed this time, or is it land of fiction (at least Gulliver is character of fiction) or is it land of God!!? This land is no work of fiction but is a land of god and land of wonders (even it keep surprising people living in that land).   Gulliver wouldn’t have been this much in dilemma, if he would had care once to read report of 1498 of vasco Da Gama (might not read as Portuguese and Englishmen are counterparts in sea) or even of any English traveller who travelled to this land they called ‘India’. And one who has known India would definitely s