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Spices map of India Why do we eat FOOD? Food , the fuel which provides us with energy and power to live and perform daily chores, until we die. Where this food does comes from??? Now this question was answered to us when we were in 1 st or 2nd Standard and till now it is being answered just with more depth. Here, we will not go in much depth, at first, so let’s reminisce, what was taught to us in our childhood, in that very chapter called ‘sources of food’. It said basically there are two sources of food, animals and plants. Animal products such as meat, chicken, pork, eggs, milk which are consumed at large scale around the world. Now comes the bit which will lead us to its depth and is the primary focus of today, the very favourite of vegans, one and only plant products.   Now there is such a huge population, so we need lots of food , so we will have to grow them, and you of course know that farmers in different area grows them and when those


covid 19 virus Guide them to use spoons while eating And Cover their face while sneezing Never shake hands say Namaste No nail biting, No nose picking Keep away and No scratching Wash their hair, Wash their hands Clean their cloths, clean their nails   Dear readers, Today you are sitting in home some are working from and students are busy in completing summer vacation home works. The house wives are sweating to full fill the demands of family members.   Some are watching Television and feel agony due to the COVID 19 the killer virus and the discussion is going on the television. I want to share the experience during LOCK DOWN by  some students. The experience was gathered from skill of writing competition organised by team of GETONHOBBY team. It can be read as a Hobby ‘ reading’ Information seeking and for experience our past basic stances of karate   The lette