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Showing posts from February, 2023


  THE QUALITY OF A MAN MATTERS  Story: There was an old man. He was very cheerful and helpful. He sold balloons for his living. He sold red, yellow, blue and of others colors balloons among children. When his selling decreased he flies a balloon filled with helium gas. When children saw the flying balloon in the air they become eager to get same balloon and they reached to old man to buy balloons. The sales of old man gets increasing. He used to fly the balloon when his sales decreased. One day he feels someone is pulling his kurta. He looked back, a little boy is standing besides him and he was asking. If you left the black balloon in the air then can the black balloons fly in the air? The question of the innocent child touched the soul of old man. He smiled and replied “ dear son balloons does not fly due to its color but it flies due to the gas filled in the balloons inside it.    Only the qualities of a person matters not the certificate of universities. Qualities of good personal